The Limited Times

Ukrainians in Alsace mobilized against Putin

2/27/2022, 7:41:59 PM

The second largest Ukrainian community in France is organizing to collect humanitarian aid and showing its support for its own.

After amazement, anger.

For the Ukrainian community in Alsace, the second in France after Ile-de-France, estimated at around a thousand people, including 600 in Strasbourg, there is a before and after February 24.

Since the outbreak of the Russian offensive by Vladimir Putin, everyone has been hanging on their cellphones.

“Since this morning, my parents, who live in Kharkov, near the Russian border, have heard explosives.

They live in the cellar and only come up to cook or use the internet.

In another neighborhood, a bomb fell in front of the house where my sister lives with her two children.

Two neighbors were killed”

, protests Yegor Boychenko, lawyer in Strasbourg and Kiev, former jurist at the European Court of Human Rights,

Read also War in Ukraine: what is the “deterrent force” put on alert by Russia?

During a demonstration organized on Saturday, the largest in France after that of Paris, Yegor, like many Ukrainians, placed a yellow and blue flag on his shoulders.


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