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Baerbock: Russia's war is forging the West together

3/1/2022, 12:25:41 PM

Baerbock: Russia's war is forging the West together Created: 03/01/2022Updated: 03/01/2022 13:19 Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock. © John Macdougall/AFP POOL/dpa "It is of no interest to anyone that the stronger attack their neighbors." In urgent words, Foreign Minister Baerbock called for solidarity against Russia's President Putin. Berlin - Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has called for

Baerbock: Russia's war is forging the West together

Created: 03/01/2022Updated: 03/01/2022 13:19

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock.

© John Macdougall/AFP POOL/dpa

"It is of no interest to anyone that the stronger attack their neighbors." In urgent words, Foreign Minister Baerbock called for solidarity against Russia's President Putin.

Berlin - Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has called for international solidarity against Russian President Vladimir Putin because of the Russian attack on Ukraine.

"We want as many states as possible to show their colors against Putin's war," said the Green politician on Tuesday after meeting her counterparts from Poland and France in Lodz, Poland.

"Let's stand together for the principles of the UN Charter", this is the order of the day.

"Because it can be of no interest to anyone that the stronger one attacks his neighbors."

Almost every country in the world has a larger, more powerful neighbor, Baerbock said.

"It is therefore of no interest in any region of the world that we now accept this game by Putin." After her statement, Baerbock said goodbye to her Polish counterpart Zbigniew Rau and French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian with hugs from the press conference.

Baerbock flew straight on to New York for the United Nations (UN) General Assembly emergency meeting on the war in Ukraine.

There she wanted to give a speech in the late evening German time.

"Because we know what's at stake there"

Shocked, Baerbock described what was happening at the Ukrainian border: “Mothers leave their husbands behind.

children their fathers.

girlfriends her friends.

Because the men are defending their country.” It's not just about humanitarian aid.

It is also about psychological help, which must now be provided together.

Nobody believes the Russian propaganda, she said.

“Putin's tanks don't bring water.

Putin's tanks definitely won't bring peace.

Putin's tanks aren't bringing any food or baby food.

Rather, Putin's tanks alone bring suffering and destruction.”

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Putin "speculated that we would drift apart".

The opposite is the case: "We grew even closer together during these terrible days." Together they stand up for the people in Ukraine, "because we know what's at stake there".

She emphasized: "This attack welds us together."

The minister expressed her deep admiration for all those Russians who took to the streets in her country, "knowing that they will probably be arrested to make it clear: This is not our war, it is the war of the President of Russia. "dpa

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