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Ukraine war: Motsi Mabuse fears for in-laws in Kharkiv

3/2/2022, 11:42:57 AM

Let's Dance star Motsi Mabuse and her husband Evgenij Voznyuk organize aid transports to the Ukrainian border area.

Let's Dance star Motsi Mabuse and her husband Evgenij Voznyuk organize aid transports to the Ukrainian border area.

Kelkheim – Evgenij Voznyuk calls his parents, who live in the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, several times a day.

He hears bombs falling in the background.

"It's terrible for me that I can't help as a son," says the husband of "Let's Dance" juror Motsi Mabuse.

Father and mother were trapped in the city, which was surrounded by Russian tank tracks, and were stuck in a cellar, reports the native Ukrainian.

An escape is currently impossible.

Motsi Mabuse speaks of a "roller coaster ride of emotions", as reported by

Against the background of the Ukraine conflict*, she is very worried about her in-laws, says the 40-year-old.

"We are very close together in the family."

At the beginning of the week, the couple, who lives in Kelkheim, made a decision: Voznyuk and Mabuse want to start an aid campaign for refugees from Ukraine*.

The two had flyers printed, mobilized volunteers in their Eschborn Taunus dance school, asked Kelkheim's mayor Albrecht Kündiger (UKW) for support.

War in Ukraine: Motsi Mabuse launches aid campaign for refugees

Within a very short time, the Greens politician not only made rooms in the old fire station in Kelkheim-Münster available so that relief supplies could be collected.

Kündiger also organized a press conference for Tuesday, where Voznyuk and Mabuse could present their “Help for Ukraine” campaign.

Evgenij Voznyuk reported that he would drive to the Polish-Ukrainian border area on Friday evening.

Several logistics companies made trucks available to him for this purpose.

relief action

The aid supplies for Ukraine are being collected

in the old fire brigade equipment house in Kelkheim-Münster, Zeilsheimer Straße 47. Opening times are on March 2nd and 3rd from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The action is organized

by the Motsi Mabuse dance school with the support of the city of Kelkheim.


about the process and the required supplies can be found on Motsi Mabuse's Facebook page.

Contact by email at:

Up to and including Thursday, March 3, aid supplies that the Ukrainian refugees can use now will be collected in the former Münster fire station: warm blankets, pillows, mattresses and sleeping bags, winter clothing, baby food, diapers, hygiene items and medical products such as first aid kits or bandages .

"We ask that things be brought in good condition and packed ready for travel," said Motsi Mabuse.

“We don't have time to sort out what we can use and what we don't.

We must act quickly.

The people need our help.” Her husband also wants to drive to the Ukrainian border in the coming weeks;

the collection campaign should continue as long as it is necessary.

The dancers announced that a donation account might also be set up.

Motsi Mabuse wants to be part of the Ukraine rally in Kelkheim

The Kelkheim motorcycle club, which has already helped with the flood disaster in the Ahr Valley, supports the campaign.

He thinks of the people in Ukraine with great respect and compassion, said the head of the town hall, Albrecht Kündiger.

"It is important that they feel our solidarity, that we do not leave them alone in this war, which has left us all stunned."

A rally is planned for Sunday, March 6th, at 6 p.m. on the square in front of the town hall in Kelkheim.

Motsi Mabuse and Evgenij Voznyuk will also be there.

On Friday evening, Mabuse will still be on the "Let's Dance" jury.

Despite the difficult family situation, she did not cancel her participation in the TV entertainment show.

"I'm then forced to put everything aside for a few hours and I can breathe out," she said at the press conference in Kelkheim town hall, adding.

"Even in dark times, light has to come in somewhere." (Andrea Rost)

* is part of IPPEN.MEDIA.

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