The Limited Times

Ukraine war: Russia reports control of the city of Cherson - dead football professionals from Kyiv reported

3/2/2022, 10:30:50 AM

Ukraine war: Russia reports control of the city of Cherson - dead football professionals from Kyiv reported Created: 03/02/2022, 11:25 am By: Lukas Rogalla, Patrick Mayer, Anna-Katharina Ahnefeld The military put up fierce resistance to the Russian invasion in the Ukraine war. Russia is said to have taken millions of city of Cherson. The news ticker. Ukraine War *: The Ukrainian army puts up a

Ukraine war: Russia reports control of the city of Cherson - dead football professionals from Kyiv reported

Created: 03/02/2022, 11:25 am

By: Lukas Rogalla, Patrick Mayer, Anna-Katharina Ahnefeld

The military put up fierce resistance to the Russian invasion in the Ukraine war.

Russia is said to have taken millions of city of Cherson.

The news ticker.

  • Ukraine War

    *: The Ukrainian army puts up a fierce fight against Russia's* troops.

  • Russian troops bomb a huge TV tower in Kiev

    (see update March 1, 5:55 p.m.)

    and are now attacking Kharkiv

    (see update March 2, 2:25 a.m.)


  • Two young football professionals die in Russian attacks on Kiev

    (see update from March 2nd, 8.35 a.m.)


  • Russia has apparently taken control of the first Ukrainian regional capital

    (see update of March 2, 8:40 am).

  • This

    news ticker on the Ukraine war

    is constantly updated.

    More on the background of the Ukraine crisis* here.

Update from March 2, 10:55 a.m .:

According to information from Moscow, Russian units have taken control of the area around the largest nuclear power plant in Ukraine.

This was reported by Russian diplomats to the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, IAEA chief Rafael Grossi reported on Wednesday.

In Ukraine, 15 nuclear reactors are in operation at four power plants.

Grossi has therefore already warned of the danger of a serious nuclear accident in the course of the fighting.

The IAEA Board of Governors will meet on Wednesday to discuss the situation.

According to the letter from the Russian embassy to the IAEA, the employees at the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, which has now been taken over, continue to ensure safe operation.

Radiation levels are normal.

Just the day before, the Ukrainian government had said it would retain control of all operating nuclear power plants.

In a new statement, Kyiv told the IAEA on Wednesday morning that communications with all nuclear power plants in the country are up and that their operations are continuing as normal.

Update from March 2, 10:40 a.m .:  

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj has condemned the Russian attack on the television tower in Kiev near the Babyn Jar Holocaust memorial as an attack on Ukrainian history.

"For any normal person who knows our history, world history, Babyn Yar is a special part of Kyiv," the 44-year-old said in a video message on Wednesday.

This shows that Kyiv is foreign to the absolute majority of Russians.

“They know nothing about our capital.

About our history,” said the President.

Now Russia is trying to erase Ukrainian history.

Ukraine conflict: Russia destroys parts of the Shoah memorial in an attack on the Kiev television tower

Update from March 2, 10:15 a.m .:

According to information from the museum management, a building in the immediate vicinity of the Babyn Jar Holocaust memorial was damaged during a Russian attack in Ukraine.

The affected building was built as a sports center during the Soviet Union and should now become part of the memorial, Nathan Sharanski, head of the memorial's supervisory board, told the German Press Agency on Wednesday.

It has now been damaged by a fire, but the exact extent is still unclear.

Sharansky is not there himself.

Ukrainian rescue workers stand in front of the damaged city hall building after the Russian shelling in Kharkiv.

© Pavel Dorogoy/dpa

According to Ukrainian sources, two suspected rockets hit the Kyiv television center in the immediate vicinity of Babyn Yar on Tuesday.

Five random passers-by were killed and five others injured. The Russian attack in the immediate vicinity of Babyn Yar was very symbolic, said Sharansky (Ukrainian: Sharanskyj).

It was planned to turn the building that has now been hit into a museum as part of the Babyn Jar complex.

It was intended to depict attempts by the former Soviet Union to suppress Holocaust commemorations.

"A Russian attack in Babyn Yar, the largest mass grave of the Holocaust, has great symbolic power."

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken tweeted that the US was outraged by reports that Russian bombs had fallen near the Babyn Yar Memorial and that more people had been killed where thousands of Jews were slaughtered during the Holocaust.

"We condemn this brutal war against Ukraine," said Blinken.

Ukraine conflict: Experts fear terrorist attacks and cybercrime

Update from March 2, 10 a.m.:

Experts fear an increase in terrorist attacks in Ukraine - especially in the area of ​​cybercrime.

A whole series of attacks on the computer systems of Ukraine and other countries have already been attributed to Russia, the think tank IEP (Institute for Economics and Peace) reported on Wednesday at the presentation of its Global Terrorism Index.

"It is possible that the threat of cyberterrorism will increase around the world in parallel with the escalation of the Ukraine conflict." Targets could include healthcare, energy, transport and financial services.

War in Ukraine: Russia and Ukrainian Ministry of Defense report successes

Update from March 2, 9.30 a.m .:

Both Moscow and Kiev have reported further successes in the war in Ukraine.

The Russian Defense Ministry said on Wednesday that attacks on Ukraine's military infrastructure continued.

"High-precision weapons" were used against secret service facilities in Kyiv.

The hardware transmission of the television tower is now deactivated.

Since the invasion began last Thursday, Russian troops say they have destroyed more than 1,500 Ukrainian military objects, including a total of 58 aircraft on the ground and in the air, and more than 470 tanks and other armored vehicles.

Neither Moscow nor Kyiv gave any information about their own losses.

The reports cannot be independently verified.

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry said more than 5,840 Russian soldiers had been killed.

More than 200 tanks, 860 other military vehicles, 30 airplanes and 31 helicopters have been destroyed since the beginning of the war.

The ministry accused Russia of serious war crimes.

"Aircraft and missile attacks from Russia and Belarus on civilian buildings and schools, shelling of maternity wards - this is cowardly behavior by those who have no honor," it said.

"These are not military, but terrorists, representatives of a terrorist state." Moscow vehemently denies attacking civilians and residential areas.

Ukraine News: Russia is said to have taken the Ukrainian city of Cherson

March 2 update, 9:10 a.m.:


The Kyiv Independent

tweets, a Russian missile hit the police headquarters in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv.

The building was said to have been almost completely destroyed.

At least 21 people have been killed and 112 injured in the city in the past 24 hours, according to authorities.

Update from March 2nd, 8.40 a.m .:

According to their own statements, the Russian military has gained full control over the southern Ukrainian city of Cherson, which has been contested for days.

"Russian armed forces units have taken complete control of the center of the Kherson region," Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said on Wednesday, according to a statement.

There was initially no confirmation from the Ukrainian side.

It would be the first Ukrainian regional capital that Russian troops have seized control of since the war broke out last Thursday.

Ukrainian media had previously reported fighting in the city of around 280,000 people.

Interior Ministry adviser Anton Herashchenko spoke of numerous dead civilians who had defended Cherson with so-called Molotov cocktails, among other things. According to local reports, the city at the mouth of the Dnipro River was surrounded.

The city administration also said that Russian soldiers had taken over the port and the train station.

There have been numerous deaths and injuries among Ukrainian soldiers and civilians.

Update from March 2nd, 8.35 a.m .:

There are now numerous deaths in the Ukraine war.

This also includes two football professionals, as is now clear from an official report.

Players' union FIFpro confirmed through their channels that Vitalii Sapylo (21) and Dmytro Martynenko (25) paid for their fight for freedom with their lives.

Ukraine-News: US experts share fears – the worst is yet to come in Kyiv

Update from March 2nd, 8.30 a.m .:

US experts fear that the worst is yet to come in the Ukrainian capital Kiev in Russia’s war against Ukraine.

“From a purely military-tactical point of view, Russia has the manpower and firepower to take Kyiv.

No question," said an American source familiar with the intelligence services, according to CNN.

"No matter how much resistance the Ukrainians put up."


(editor's note: Russian troops)

have been held up and frustrated with their lack of progress in Kiev, and one of the things that could result is a reassessment of their tactics and the possibility, both in size and to the extent of being more aggressive and open in their attacks on Kiev," a senior defense official told reporters on Monday.

Update from March 2, 8 a.m.:

The chairman of the Bundeswehr Association, André Wüstner, expects a guerrilla war in the Ukrainian cities.

"In the cities themselves, in local and house-to-house combat, forces like those in Ukraine, with their rocket-propelled grenades and more, are of course superior," said the lieutenant colonel on Wednesday in the ARD "Morgenmagazin".

However, such a prospect could induce Russian President Vladimir Putin to “barrage these cities with barrages of fire”.

He is firmly assuming that Putin will intensify his attack movements and that there will be bitter fighting in the next few days.

Ukraine News: In the Ukrainian city of Trostyanets, Russian soldiers apparently go "door to door"

Update from March 2, 7:20 a.m .:

The Ukrainian city of Trostjanets in the Sumy region has apparently been occupied by Russian troops, as the independent Russian newspaper

Novaya Gazeta


This is reported

by ntv


Accordingly, "Russians go from house to house, take people out of the basements and let them sit outside at night," the Sumy governor said in the tweet.

The report cannot currently be independently verified.

The central square lies in ruins after the town hall was shelled.

Russian shells shelled civilian targets in Ukraine's second-largest city, Kharkiv, on Tuesday, while a 60-kilometer convoy of Russian military vehicles rolled toward the capital, Kyiv.

© Pavel Dorogoy/dpa

Ukraine News: Heavy attacks in the night - fighting continues in Kharkiv and other cities

Update from March 2, 6:50 a.m.: Fighting broke out

in the southern Ukrainian city of Cherson.

According to the Ukrinform agency, a Russian tank fired into a building of the Ukrainian secret service SBU.

Interior Ministry adviser Anton Herashchenko spoke of numerous dead civilians who had defended Cherson with so-called Molotov cocktails, among other things.

The city at the mouth of the Dnipro River is surrounded by local reports.

The city tour said that Russian soldiers had taken over the port and the train station.

There have been numerous deaths and injuries among Ukrainian soldiers and civilians.

Update from March 2, 5:20 a.m .:

There were serious attacks in Ukraine again during the night.

The Ukrainian army reported that Russian airborne troops had attacked the second largest city, Kharkiv.

"Russian airborne troops landed in Kharkiv (...) and attacked a local hospital," the Ukrainian army said on the Telegram news service.

"There is a battle going on between the invaders and the Ukrainians," she said.

Fighting continued in other cities as well.

In Mariupol, a port city on the Sea of ​​Azov, more than 100 people were injured by Russian shelling on Tuesday, the city's mayor Vadim Boychenko said, according to Ukrainian media.

In Kherson in the south, Russian troops took control of the train station and port during the night, local media quoted the city's mayor Ihor Kolychaev as saying.

Ukraine war: Attack from Belarus feared

In Borodyanka, 50 kilometers from Kyiv, Russian airstrikes destroyed two residential buildings on Tuesday, according to Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Emine Jeppar.

She shared a video of the partially destroyed houses with burning apartments.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense also said during the night that it feared an attack from Belarus.

"Belarusian troops have been put on alert and are in the concentration zones closest to the Ukrainian border," the ministry said on Facebook.

During the course of Tuesday, the Ukrainian secret service identified "significant activity" by aircraft in the border area.

Vehicle convoys carrying food and ammunition were observed, the statement said.

Given these moves, Belarus "in the future could probably support the Russian invaders in the Russo-Ukrainian war," the ministry warned.

Since the beginning of the Russian invasion last Thursday, "systematic" rocket attacks on military and civilian targets in Ukraine have also been launched from Belarusian territory, it said.

War in Ukraine: Media reports of fighting in Kharkiv and Cherson

Update from March 2, 4:15 a.m .:

Several Ukrainian news portals report that Russian paratroopers have landed in Kharkiv.

Fighting is currently raging between them and Ukrainian armed forces.


The Kyiv Independent

reports that the town of Trostyanets in Sumy Oblast has been taken by Russian troops.

Ukraine war: warning of support from Belarus

Update from March 2, 3:12 a.m .:

The Ministry of Defense in Kiev has warned against further support from Belarus for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Belarus is already helping Russia with the presence of troops and weapons on its territory, the ministry said on Wednesday night.

The Belarusian troops are on combat readiness and are near the Ukrainian border.

The US Department of Defense recently said there was no evidence that Belarusian troops were invading Ukraine.

The Belarusian ruler Alexander Lukashenko had also said that there were no troops deployed in the neighboring country.

However, there were media reports that the Belarusian military was said to have been seen in the Chernihiv region on the border with Belarus.

Update from March 2, 2 a.m.:

According to a post by Ukrainian security authorities on Telegram, an attack on President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has been foiled.

A special unit from Chechnya was tasked with finding and killing Selenskyj in Kyiv.

Part of the group known as the "Kadyrovites" was "eliminated," reports Oleksiy Danilov, chief of national security.

The Russian security forces, which do not support the war, say they received the crucial tip.

Ukraine War: Air raid on Zhytomyr

Update from March 2, 12:50 a.m .:

An air raid was reported from the Ukrainian city of Schytomyr on Tuesday evening.

Presumably Russian Kalibr cruise missiles damaged numerous residential buildings, including a hospital, the


agency reported .

Interior Ministry adviser Anton Gerashchenko said four people had died, citing local authorities.

Videos shared on social media showed burning houses and rescue workers.

Schytomyr is around 140 kilometers west of the capital Kyiv.

Gerashchenko said there was another airstrike in the city of Kharkiv.

The information could not be independently verified.

Update from March 1, 11:15 p.m .:

Russia is said to have bombed several neighborhoods in Kiev and places just outside the Ukrainian capital.

This is reported by the news portal

The Kyiv Independent


The area around Zhuliany International Airport is also affected.

UNIAN news agency reports that a loud explosion was heard in the town of Bila Tserkva south of Kyiv.

A fuel depot was attacked there.

Ukraine War: International Court of Justice hears Ukraine v Russia lawsuit

Update from March 1, 10:50 p.m .:

The International Court of Justice will hear Ukraine’s lawsuit against Russia next week.

This was announced by the court in The Hague.

After the Russian invasion, Ukraine filed a complaint with the United Nations' highest court.

Update from March 1, 9:35 p.m .:

80,000 men have returned from abroad to their native Ukraine since the outbreak of the war to fight against the invading troops of Russia.

This explains the Ukrainian Ministry of the Interior, citing numbers from its own border guards.

There are also repeated reports of men taking their families to the Polish border but returning themselves to join so-called territorial defense forces.

According to estimates by the Americans and British, the Russians are making much slower progress than expected.

Update from March 1, 8:35 p.m .:

According to the Ukrainian authorities, the Russian rockets fired at a huge television tower in Kiev destroyed the Babyn Yar monument.

This was stated by Chief of Staff Andriy Yermak.

In the Babyn Yar Gorge, task forces of the German security police and SD murdered more than 33,000 Jewish men, women and children on September 29 and 30, 1941 during World War II.

Ukraine war: According to the UN, 660,000 people are fleeing

Update from March 1, 8:15 p.m .:

Videos showing Ukrainian citizens standing in front of Russian military vehicles are increasing on social media.

In a video, a civilian apparently confronts the Russian occupiers* with the question: "Aren't you our brothers?"

Update from March 1, 7:55 p.m .:

The Ukraine war is causing a large wave of refugees.

The United Nations (UN) estimates that 660,000 people are now fleeing.

Germany, too, has long been preparing for refugees from the embattled country.

Most flee via Poland or Romania.

Ukraine war: Vladimir Putin apparently gives order to attack Kyiv

Update from March 1, 7:10 p.m .:

According to ZDF, Vladimir Putin apparently gave a direct order to attack Kiev.

Accordingly, major Ukrainian cities are to be attacked with concentrated force in the next 48 to 72 hours.

The liberal Eastern European news agency NEXTA posted a video that is said to show heavy bombardments in the city of Kharkiv (around 1.4 million inhabitants) in the evening.

A large Russian military column had formed north of Kyiv (population around 2.8 million).

According to estimates, this should be up to 64 kilometers long.

According to the latest photos, the tanks and wheeled vehicles are only 20 kilometers away from the Ukrainian capital, ZDF reports.

Update from March 1, 6:55 p.m .:

Many Russian soldier mothers apparently do not know where their sons are.

According to the


, this was explained by the "Committee of Soldiers' Mothers" (CSMR).

The Russian human rights organization is working against abuses in the military.

"I get a lot of calls from helpless mothers and tell them: 'Pick up your sons'," Valitina Melnikova (72), the co-founder and chair of the committee, is quoted as saying: "But many mothers don't even know where their children are."

War in Ukraine: Pentagon - Not enough food for Russian military

Update from March 1, 6:35 p.m .:

According to the US Pentagon, the Russian soldiers in the Ukraine war are running out of food.

According to an assessment from the United States, the troops have problems providing their own soldiers with food.

War in Ukraine: Video of rocket fire on Kyiv TV tower

Update from March 1, 5:55 p.m .:

In the afternoon, Russian forces fired on a huge radio tower in Kiev to interrupt television programs in Ukraine.

The Russian Ministry of Defense had previously announced a corresponding attack and asked residents to leave the surrounding houses.

There is now a video on Twitter that presumably shows a second rocket impact.

According to the Kiev city administration, instead of the tower, a substation was hit next to it.

Five people are believed to have died, officials said.

Update from March 1, 5:45 p.m .:

The European Parliament has condemned Russia’s attack on Ukraine.

The attack on Ukraine was a serious "violation of international law and in particular of the Charter of the United Nations," it said in a statement after an extraordinary plenary session of the European Parliament.

Parliament called on the Russian government led by President Vladimir Putin to withdraw troops immediately and unconditionally.

Update from March 1, 5:35 p.m .:

According to media reports, the state of mind of Russian President Vladimir Putin is a top priority for the American intelligence services *.

According to media reports, an attempt is being made to gather reliable information on how Putin's state of mind is affecting his handling of the escalating crisis in Ukraine.

Update from March 1, 3:40 p.m .:

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyj, accuses Russia’s Vladimir Putin of a war crime.

The reason for this is a suspected cluster strike and the use of an aerosol bomb.

War in Ukraine: Apparently considerable damage in Kharkiv after bombing

Update from March 1, 3:30 p.m .:

The liberal Eastern European news portal NEXTA has posted a photo that is supposed to show the destruction in Kharkiv after bombardments by Russian forces.

On Tuesday, Russian troops began bombing Ukraine's second largest city, which has a population of around 1.4 million.

So far, the invading troops have not been able to capture the city in eastern Ukraine.

War in Ukraine: Russian troops appear to be massing on outskirts of Kyiv

Update from March 1, 3:15 p.m .:

As the mayor of Kiev reports, Russian troops are gathering in the outskirts of the Ukrainian capital.

"The enemy is on the outskirts of the capital," Vitali Klitschko said in a video message, according to CNN.

The Ukrainian military is preparing to "defend Kyiv," the former boxing champion continued: "Our armed forces and territorial defense forces are fighting heroically for our country."

Current war situation: Ukraine apparently loses access to the Sea of ​​Azov

Update from March 1, 2:25 p.m .:

Does Ukraine still have access to the Sea of ​​Azov?

The situation in the Ukraine war is difficult to assess in part due to a lack of independent sources.

According to a report by


, Russian forces have allegedly cut off the Ukrainian military from the Sea of ​​Azov north of the Black Sea.

The Tass news agency, which refers to the Russian Defense Ministry, is quoted as saying.

A damaged vehicle and debris after Russian shelling outside Mariupol.

Russian troops have launched their expected attack on Ukraine.

© Sergei Grits/dpa

News about the Ukraine war: Zelenskyj appoints military commanders for Kyiv

Update from March 1, 1:50 p.m .:

In view of the uncertain situation, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj has appointed a military commander for the capital Kiev.

"Vitali Klitschko will remain mayor of Kyiv, he will have his area of ​​responsibility," said the head of state in a video message on Tuesday.

The 55-year-old General Mykola Schyrnow has been organizing defense measures since 2014.

After the war everything will be reversed.

In the past, Selenskyj had tried to politically weaken Klitschko as a possible competitor.

Ukraine live: Bombing of Kharkiv - at least ten people killed

Update vom 1. März, 13.40 Uhr: Bei der Bombardierung des Zentrums der zweitgrößten ukrainischen Stadt Charkiw sind nach Angaben von Rettungskräften mindestens zehn Menschen getötet worden. Mehr als 20 weitere seien verletzt worden, teilten die ukrainischen Rettungsdienste am Dienstag mit. Zehn Menschen konnten demnach lebend aus den Trümmern geborgen werden.

Ukraine News: Mindestens 136 Zivilisten, darunter 13 Kinder getötet – Angaben von Vereinten Nationen

Update vom 1. März, 13.20: Seit Kriegsausbruch in der Ukraine sind mindestens 136 Zivilisten, darunter 13 Kinder getötet worden. Das geht auf Angaben der Vereinten Nationen (UN) zurück. 400 Menschen seien verletzt worden. „Die tatsächliche Zahl ist wahrscheinlich viel höher“, zitiert ntv eine Sprecherin des UN-Menschenrechtsbüros (OHCHR).

Update vom 1. März, 13 Uhr: Bei der Explosion in Charkiw am Dienstag sind mehr als 20 Menschen verletzt worden, wie der staatliche Rettungsdienst der Ukraine in einem Video mitteilte. „Infolge des Artilleriebeschusses wurden ein Gebäude der Staatsverwaltung und ein angrenzendes Gebäude beschädigt. Menschen sind unter den Trümmern eingeschlossen. Der Leiter der Rettungskräfte hat erfahren, dass über 20 Menschen verletzt wurden“, zitiert CNN aus dem Video. „Vor Ort arbeiten acht Notfallteams mit 80 Mitarbeitern und Freiwilligen, die die Trümmer sortieren und wegschleppen, um die Verletzten und Toten zu finden. Die Arbeit geht weiter“, sagt ein Servicemitglied.

A man tries to exit a vehicle damaged by shelling outside the Ukrainian capital.

Russian shells shelled civilian targets in Ukraine's second-largest city, Kharkiv, on Tuesday, while a 60-kilometer convoy of Russian military vehicles rolled toward the capital, Kyiv.

© Efrem Lukatsky/dpa

Ukraine war: NATO Secretary General continues to rule out involvement of the military alliance

Update vom 1. März, 12.10 Uhr: Nato-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg hat eine Beteiligung des Militärbündnisses am Ukraine-Krieg erneut entschieden ausgeschlossen. „Die Nato wird keine Truppen in die Ukraine entsenden oder Flugzeuge in den ukrainischen Luftraum verlegen“, sagte der Norweger am Dienstag bei einem Besuch auf dem polnischen Luftwaffenstützpunkt Lask. „Die Nato wird sich nicht an dem Konflikt beteiligen.“

Der polnische Präsident Andrzej Duda bekräftigte: „Wir schicken unsere Flugzeuge nicht, denn das würde eine militärische Einmischung in den Konflikt bedeuten, der sich in der Ukraine abspielt, es würde bedeuten, dass sich die Nato in den Konflikt einschaltet, aber die Nato keine Partei in dem Konflikt ist“. Duda verwies darauf, dass man vielseitige Hilfe, vor allem humanitäre Hilfe leiste. „Aber unsere Flugzeuge fliegen momentan nicht in die Ukraine.“

Ukraine News: Russland will Angriff weiter fortführen – Verteidigungsminister bekräftigt Propaganda

Update vom 1. März, 11.55 Uhr: Die russische Armee wird ihre Angriffe in der Ukraine nach Angaben aus Moskau so lange fortsetzen, „bis alle Ziele erreicht sind“. Wie der russische Verteidigungsminister Sergej Schoigu am Dienstag bekräftigte, sind die „Entmilitarisierung“ der Ukraine und die „Entnazifizierung“ ihrer Führung die Ziele. Dies hatte auch Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin am Montag erneut als Ziel ausgegeben - trotz der zu dem Zeitpunkt laufenden Verhandlungen mit Vertretern der ukrainischen Regierung.

Schoigu warf der Ukraine nun auch erneut vor, Zivilisten als „menschliche Schutzschilde“ zu missbrauchen. Der Westen wolle die Ukrainer gegen Moskau instrumentalisieren, fügte er in seinen vom russischen Fernsehen übertragenen Erklärungen hinzu. Er betonte auch, die russische Armee wolle die Ukraine „nicht besetzen“. Ziel sei es aber, Russland vor einer „durch westliche Länder geschaffenen Bedrohung zu schützen“.

Erstmeldung vom 1. März, 11.20 Uhr:

Kiew/Moskau – Die ukrainischen Truppen und sogar Zivilisten leisten erbitterten Widerstand gegen Russlands Invasion. Nichtsdestotrotz will das russische Militär nach wie vor die Hauptstadt Kiew einnehmen. Man habe „alle Hinweise“ darauf, sagte ein ranghoher Pentagon-Verantwortlicher dem US-Sender CNBC. „Wir gehen davon aus, dass sie sich weiter fortbewegen und versuchen werden, die Stadt in den kommenden Tagen einzukesseln.“

Russland setzt somit trotz erster Gespräche den Invasionskrieg in der Ukraine* mit unverminderter Härte fort. In der Nacht zum Dienstag gab es weitere Angriffe auf die zweitgrößte Stadt des Landes, Charkiw in der Ostukraine. Auf die Hauptstadt Kiew bewegte sich ein Militär-Konvoi aus Panzern und anderen militärischen Fahrzeugen zu. Mit einer geschätzten Länge von 64 Kilometern ist der Heerwurm länger als bisher angenommen. 

Ukrainian police officers show a traveler the way to the railway station terminal during an air alert.

The explosions and gunfire that have disrupted life since the invasion began last week appeared to subside around Kyiv overnight as Ukrainian and Russian delegations met at Ukraine's border with Belarus on Monday.

© Vadim Ghirda/dpa

But one expert is now predicting bleak prospects for Russia.

Accordingly, Russia could have problems keeping Ukraine at the current level.

This is reported by CNN, among others.

(The negotiations in the Ukraine war between Russia and Ukraine have not yet brought a solution. The USA are expelling Russian UN diplomats. News ticker.)

Ukraine war: Expert makes explosive prognosis – “The Russian army is overwhelmed”

„Die russische Armee ist überfordert und in einer prekären Lage, wenn die Ukraine zu einem langwierigen Krieg wird“, schreibt der Vize-Präsident der US-amerikanischen Denkfabrik „Center for Strategic and International Studies“ auf Twitter. „Unter der Annahme von 150.000 russischen Soldaten in der Ukraine und einer Bevölkerung von 44 Millionen ist das ein Streitkräfteverhältnis von 3,4 Soldaten pro 1.000 Einwohner. Mit diesen Zahlen kann man kein Territorium halten“, so Jones weiter.

Dabei verglich er das aktuelle russische Streitkräfteverhältnis in der Ukraine mit Besetzungen bei früheren Kriegen. Er führte weiter an, dass bei erfolgreichen Besetzungen das Streitkräfteverhältnisse, „astronomisch höher“ sei als wir es derzeit in der Ukraine erleben. Als Beispiel nannte er 89,3 Soldaten pro 1.000 Einwohner in Deutschland (1945), 17,5 in Bosnien (1995), 9,8 in Osttimor (2000) und 19,3 im Kosovo (2000) – mit Verweis auf eine Untersuchung der Rand Corporation.

Weiter twitterte er: „Eine hohe Zahl von Truppen und Polizei ist entscheidend, um grundlegendes Recht und Ordnung herzustellen. Tatsächlich reicht die Zahl russischer Soldaten in der Ukraine nicht einmal aus, um größere Städte auf Dauer zu halten. Sie laufen Gefahr, von ukrainischen Aufständischen auseinandergenommen zu werden“. Eine klare Ansage von einer bedeutenden Denkfabrik mit dem Fokus auf die Außenpolitik der USA.

Ukraine News: Russische Separatisten rufen Menschen zum Verlassen von Mariupol auf

Derweil wollen russische Separatisten nach eigenen Angaben für Einwohner der Stadt Mariupol im Südosten der Ukraine zwei „humanitäre Korridore“ einrichten. Die Menschen könnten bis Mittwoch die umkämpfte Stadt verlassen, sagte der Sprecher der Aufständischen im Gebiet Donezk, Eduard Bassurin, am Dienstag der Agentur Interfax zufolge. „Wir garantieren die Sicherheit auf Abschnitten der Fernstraße E58 sowohl in Richtung der Region Saporischschja als auch in Richtung des Territoriums der Russischen Föderation.“ Russische Truppen sollten dabei helfen. Mariupol ist heftig umkämpft. Es wird befürchtet, dass russisches Militär die Stadt am Asowschen Meer einnimmt.

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