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Child benefit: are you also entitled to children who are over 18?

3/4/2022, 3:14:34 PM

Child benefit: are you also entitled to children who are over 18? Created: 03/04/2022, 16:06 By: Sofia Wrede Parents receive child benefit from the state every month. © Rüdiger Wölk/Imago In principle, there is child benefit until the child is 18 years old. In many cases, however, you can even receive state support up to your 25th birthday. What you should consider. In order to help parents t

Child benefit: are you also entitled to children who are over 18?

Created: 03/04/2022, 16:06

By: Sofia Wrede

Parents receive child benefit from the state every month.

© Rüdiger Wölk/Imago

In principle, there is child benefit until the child is 18 years old.

In many cases, however, you can even receive state support up to your 25th birthday.

What you should consider.

In order to help parents to take care of their children, parents receive child benefit* for each of their children.

According to the Employment Agency, the amount is currently at least 219 euros per month.

Child benefit is paid to one person, usually a parent.

First and second child

219 euros per month

third child

225 euros per month

from the 4th child

250 euro

Also read:

You should not make this mistake with child benefit – otherwise there is a risk of repayment.

These are the requirements for entitlement to child benefit

You are entitled to child benefit under the following conditions:

  • Your child is

    under 18 years


  • Your child lives in your household.

  • You and your child live in Germany or the EU (further information is available from the employment agency here).

Also interesting:

Child allowance 2022: Which families are entitled to the money?

Conditions for child benefit if the child is over 18 years old

But even after the 18th birthday you can still hope for further payments in some cases.

Because: Even at this stage, young adults are

dependent on financial help


To ensure that you and your child continue to receive child benefit, you must note the following:

  • Your child is in their first apprenticeship: It is irrelevant whether it is vocational training or a degree.

  • Your child may work a maximum of 20 hours per week.

  • If your child is in a second apprenticeship, it may work in marginal employment and is still entitled to child benefit.

  • According

    to the Vereinigte Lohnsteuerhilfe e



  • A master's degree that directly follows a suitable bachelor's degree does not count as a second degree, but as a continuation of the first degree.

  • During a

    voluntary service

    , young adults are still entitled to receive child benefit.

  • The same applies to an


    that is relevant to the desired profession.

  • Other exceptions: Your child has

    not found an apprenticeship

    and is registered as looking for a job.

    Young adults

    under the age of 21

    also receive child benefit if they are registered with the job center as


    for work .

By the way: You can also apply for child benefit for the time that your child is

applying for training and a job


That was the result of a judgment by the Federal Fiscal Court, reports the United Payroll Tax Assistance Association.


(sw) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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