The Limited Times

Opinion | Broker Born: Bennett Forgot The Most Significant Problems | Israel today

3/4/2022, 10:44:11 AM

Bennett fails to run his bureau, ministers and Knesset members, and in this situation he is left to fantasize about solving the big world problems • Between solemn declarations on the "right side of history" and the arrangement of pensions - the cost of living and the nuclear deal left behind • Prime Minister scrambles headlines Policy between Russia and Ukraine - but silent in the face of talks in Vienna

The sky is gloomy and the winds of war are blowing in Europe.

Hundreds killed, thousands wounded and millions fleeing their homes in the war between Russia and Ukraine, and the future is shrouded in mist.

Since the end of World War II we have not experienced an earthquake of world order as the world is experiencing today.

The countries of the Western world mobilized as a wall in the form of war, and the State of Israel was embarrassed.

Bennett sat down in his chair out of hatred of the "just not Bibi" sect, which also includes the heads of government institutions: the Supreme Court and Salah a-Din, as well as the media.

The public, the sovereign of a democratic state, has not elected it and still does not believe in it.

The role of prime minister changed its face and spread to the leaders of the coalition parties, prime ministers in every field and area - foreign, security, finance and more.

Bennett is unable to run his bureau, his ministers and members of the Knesset, and in this situation he is left to fantasize about solving the problems of the big world.

As he wallows in the local mud with rising prices and the cost of living, the problems of the self-employed, raising taxes and fees, the thousands of dead from the corona, rising crime and the cover-up of Saladin and the Israeli police, Bennett tries to make headlines in the embracing media.

Bennett calls on Russian President Vladimir Putin, "ready to mediate in resolving the crisis between Russia and Ukraine."

The man and the legend.

Naftali's head in the sky is trying to restore world peace, while at the same time predicting in amazement how the teachings of the prime minister before him, Benjamin Netanyahu, are coming true.

Israel cannot fold against the United States in its fight against the Iranian nuclear program, and it must trust only itself and its power. The Western world, not even the United States, will not fight Israel's war.

Busy with pensions.

PM Bennett with Chief of Staff Kochavi and Defense Minister Ganz, Photo: Kobi Gideon / GPO

Bennett managed to get huge headlines in the media about his "efforts" to mediate between the warring countries, a media that has a government, but turned himself into a sad joke in front of the whole world.

Avigdor Lieberman confidently declared that war would not break out, Lapid announced that Israeli intelligence did not anticipate the entry of military forces into Ukraine and that Bennett wanted to make world peace.

If it was not sad, it would be funny.

An exciting new world order.

Threats in the use of nuclear weapons, economic war between East and West, armies fighting in Europe.

In this dangerous reality, the Israeli government is preoccupied with its survival.

Defense Minister Bnei Gantz, at the urging of the Chief of Staff and General Staff of the IDF, went to war of his own: "Who are you (Merav Michaeli) to talk about pensions? I almost died ten times. Physically! So do not talk about my pension!"

The illustrious fighter demands money, and all his members in the Knesset are silent and voting in the Knesset to prepare billions of shekels for the extraordinary additions to the Chief of Staff's budgetary, illegal pension for retirees, some of whom retired at age 42 and started a second career in the private or public market.

The real danger

Between all the international mediations and bombastic statements about the “right side of history” and the dream pension arrangements and macho roars on the transport minister, our prime ministers and defense minister have forgotten where the real danger lurks.

It must not be talked about - except in chambers, it must not be warned - because it will upset the friends in the State Department, about whom it must not be assertive in front of the world - because it must not surprise Biden.

This is of course Iran, which is about to get a deal of the dreams and will be free to do as it pleases.

It does not excite the Israeli prime minister and its defense minister like some hill boys in the Chumash or an opportunity to headline in the CNN on a phone call from Jerusalem to Kiev.

Well, they look at the killing and destruction in Kiev and Kharkiv, and know that in times of trouble we have enough friends to illuminate the parliament buildings in blue and white.

How lucky is Iran that it is not in the Eurovision Song Contest and should not be afraid that the EU will suspend it from competition on the day it realizes its plans against us.

The government collects billions of shekels from public funds in favor of keeping the deer leather chair at the expense of the good of the state, health, education, the economy, welfare.

Ganz fights for butter while the world shakes.

The main thing is that Bennett survived another day on the chair.

Were we wrong?


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