The Limited Times

The US at the UN, the attack on the Ukrainian plant is an 'immense threat'

3/4/2022, 7:01:40 PM

Emergency meeting of the Security Council. The American ambassador: "The attack on the plant is an immense threat". Russia replies, "a lie" that Moscow attacked the nuclear power plant. Zelensky: "Europe's end is near, we need tougher sanctions" (ANSA)

The UN Human Rights Council today adopted a resolution calling for the urgent establishment of an independent international commission of inquiry into human rights violations in the context of the Russian aggression against Ukraine.

The resolution was adopted by the 47 member countries of the Council with 32 votes in favor, 2 against (Russia and Eritrea) and 13 abstentions.

More than 1.2 million people have fled Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion.

This was announced by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

The number of refugees has increased by 171,000 people compared to yesterday, for a total of 1,209,976 refugees to date.

The UN estimates that four million people may want to flee the country.

"Russia's reckless attack on the nuclear power plant is an immense threat to Europe and the world."

This was stated by the American ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield at the emergency meeting of the UN Security Council.

"Putin not only did not listen to the calls to stop the invasion of Ukraine", said the US ambassador to the UN, "but we are witnessing a new dangerous escalation that poses a serious threat to Europe and the world" .

"Putin must stop this madness now. Yesterday we touched on catastrophe."

The Russian ambassador to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, called the accusation in Moscow of attacking a nuclear power plant in Ukraine a "lie".

 According to the Nebenzya reconstruction, the attack on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant was nothing more than a "small fire fight with the Ukrainian forces".

"These statements are simply false and are part of an unprecedented campaign of disinformation and lies against Russia," insisted the Russian ambassador to the UN.