The Limited Times

VIDEO. Letter from Emmanuel Macron: "An extremely consensual message without harshness"

3/4/2022, 4:13:37 PM

By addressing a letter to the readers of the regional press, the President of the Republic formalized his candidacy for the presidential election

Most people doubted it, but Emmanuel Macron has been, since Thursday evening, officially a candidate for his own succession.

By addressing a letter to the readers of the Regional Daily Press (including Le Parisien), the President of the Republic has done in "sobriety", with a "local communication" and the desire "not to add too much", according to Philippe Moreau Chevrolet, professor of communication in politics at Sciences-po and president of the firm MCBG Conseil.

A "sobriety" which is explained in particular by the delicate international context and the crisis in Ukraine.

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“It is a question of passing, as much as possible, naturally, without provoking debates, from the status of President to that of candidate.

To, in the end, find that of President.

We are not in an aggressive communication.

It's a letter that doesn't say much”, apart from the very announcement of his candidacy, and which carries “an extremely consensual message”, he believes.

Emmanuel Macron's candidacy comes just over a month from the deadline, since the two rounds of the presidential election will take place on Sundays April 10 and 24.