The Limited Times

Paris FC: "Stops at decisive moments" ... Vincent Demarconnay still decisive at almost 39 years old

3/5/2022, 6:26:24 PM

The Paris FC goalkeeper still managed a big performance this Saturday afternoon in Nîmes (1-1) during the 27th day of Ligue 2. He noted

At the bottom of the north stand of Costières, Vincent Demarconnay, all smiles, chats with Nicolas Benezet, back from an experience in MLS and his father.

Michel Benezet was assistant coach to Jean-Luc Vannuchi at Paris FC between 2009 and 2011. Demarconnay was already the Parisian club's starting goalkeeper.

More than ten years later, Demarconnay, who will turn 39 next month, is still playing at a very high level.

This season, he seems as strong as in the 2018-2019 season when he was voted best goalkeeper in L2 at the UNFP trophies.

It should not be very far from it again this year, especially if it is crowned with a rise in L1.

Admittedly, Paris FC may have regrets after this draw in Nîmes (1-1).

But without the stoppage of Demarconnay on the penalty from Ferhat (66th), he could also very well have lost this match.

The Paris FC goalkeeper started on the right side of the Algerian international's attempt by applying to the letter what had been decided with Mickaël Boully (goalkeeping coach) during the preparation for the match.

Of the last 15 penalties conceded by the PFC in the league, Demarconnay has therefore stopped six.

No goalkeeper has done better than him in L2.

The Stade des Costières is doing well for him since he had already stopped a penalty against Nîmes on March 3, 2018 (2-1 for NO).

“It's the first of the season, it was time for me to stop one to help the team, smiles Demarconnay.

It's good because it allows us to stay in the game.

At the end, I would have liked us to succeed in putting this small goal.

But Nîmes hit the set pieces very well, they were dangerous all game long.


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In matches against direct opponents at the start of 2022 (Auxerre, Ajaccio), Vincent Demarconnay had already been decisive.

“I made stops at decisive moments, good for me and for the team, he explains.

It's a season's prize.

There are times when we are put more to work and it works.

You have to know how to stay the course when it's more difficult.


“It would mean a lot to go up to L1 with this club where I have known everything”

The record holder for matches in the jersey of Paris FC (326) is coming to the end of his contract.

But the one who has a retraining clause at the club, does not want to set limits.

“I don't think about the rest, I remain focused on this end of the season which can be very beautiful.

The club has never been so well armed and so well placed 11 days from the end.

If we manage to go to the end, it would be magnificent.

For me, perhaps more than for another, it would mean a lot to go up to L1 with this club where I knew everything.

This is something that has driven me for a long time.

Given my growing age (smile), I will do everything to make this year the right one.

But nothing is done yet.


This match against Nîmes has indeed shown that Paris FC, undefeated for 15 games now, will have to fight to the end to reach their Holy Grail.

“The entourage is starting to tell us

it's good, it smells good of L1,

recognizes Demarconnay.

It's true that the current series is good, the ranking is good… All the lights are green, everything is going well at the club.

But we must remain vigilant in all areas.

Ajaccio is not far.

There must be no relaxation.

We lost players, anything can happen, a small grain of sand quickly arrived.

We see that the matches, we do not dominate them head and shoulders.

From the margin, we don't have any.
