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War in Ukraine, last minute live | Putin says Western sanctions are like a 'declaration of war'

3/5/2022, 3:26:01 PM

The Russian president warns that countries that impose no-fly zones in Ukraine will be considered by Moscow as "participants in hostilities" | Ukraine accuses the Kremlin of breaching the ceasefire and paralyzes the evacuation of civilians in Mariupol | The UN puts the number of refugees from the conflict at 1.3 million

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Russian President Vladimir Putin maintains that Western sanctions are similar to a "declaration of war", as he indicated this Saturday in a meeting with female flight crew members of Russian airlines, broadcast on public television.

The president has defended the decision to invade Ukraine as "absolutely correct" and added that he does not plan to decree martial law in the country.

Putin has also referred to the possible creation of a no-fly zone over Ukraine, as the Ukrainian president, Volodímir Zelensky, has been insisting to NATO for days, and has said that any other country that tries to close Ukrainian airspace will be declared by Moscow as "a participant in hostilities".

Ukraine has accused Russia this Saturday of not respecting the five-hour ceasefire agreed to open two humanitarian corridors in the cities of Mariupol and Volnovaja.

The Ukrainian presidential adviser Oleksiy Arestovych has confirmed this, after the local authorities of Mariupol, where the Russian forces have blocked the port, announced that they were suspending the evacuation.

The harsh Kremlin offensive continues in other parts of the country on the tenth day of the war.

In Kiev, citizens await the possible advance of the convoy of Russian military vehicles, stopped for days due to logistical problems.

According to the latest balance of the United Nations, 1.3 million people have left Ukraine.

after local authorities in Mariupol, where Russian forces have blocked the port, announced that they were suspending the evacuation.

The harsh Kremlin offensive continues in other parts of the country on the tenth day of the war.

In Kiev, citizens await the possible advance of the convoy of Russian military vehicles, stopped for days due to logistical problems.

According to the latest balance of the United Nations, 1.3 million people have left Ukraine.

after local authorities in Mariupol, where Russian forces have blocked the port, announced that they were suspending the evacuation.

The harsh Kremlin offensive continues in other parts of the country on the tenth day of the war.

In Kiev, citizens await the possible advance of the convoy of Russian military vehicles, stopped for days due to logistical problems.

According to the latest balance of the United Nations, 1.3 million people have left Ukraine.


A Russian helicopter is shot down outside Kozarovychi

  • Map of the war in Ukraine: Russian troops approaching Kiev from the east

  • Key dates of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine: when and how it started

  • The latest videos of the war in Ukraine

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Desperate flight of thousands of civilians at the gates of Kiev before the advance of the Russian Army

On the road that leads from Irpin to Kiev, Father Tadeus, a 62-year-old Catholic, imparts the blessing at noon on Saturday to a couple whom he has approached with his car on the outskirts of this town.

Dressed in a cassock and stole, the priest turns around and goes back in the opposite direction in which the exodus from the war is emptying the town.

The priest assures that he has no intention of leaving.

The fighting has intensified in this town of about 60,000 inhabitants located about 25 kilometers from the center of Kiev.

The bombs have fallen in the last few hours at the train station and a significant part of the population no longer has access to water, electricity or gas.

Gunshots are heard frequently and plumes of smoke rise from both east and west as thousands flee.

A missile crosses the sky triggering even more the state of nerves of those present.

Groups of Ukrainian soldiers are heading to the front on foot, prepared to engage in combat with the Russians, who have been harassing this area for a week.

From before reaching Irpin on the road that leads from Kiev, the dimensions of the evacuation can be sensed by the groups of people who walk along the shoulder and the bike lane.

The local Army divides the tasks.

At the front he tries to stop the advance of the Russian troops.

In the rear, they help with the militiamen to evacuate the population.

Thousands of people crowded this Saturday in the remains of the bridge that the Ukrainian soldiers themselves dynamited last week to try to delay the advance towards Kiev of the Kremlin troops.

The rubble of that collapsed bridge now acts as a funnel when all the civilians need to escape.


Luis de Vega

Photo: Ukrainians try to pass under a destroyed bridge in Irpin, near Kiev, this Saturday.


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The Italian RAI suspends the broadcasts of its correspondents in Russia

The Italian public television, RAI, has suspended for the moment the work of its correspondents in Russia and will offer information on the area prepared by professionals of the chain in other countries, after the approval of the new law that provides for up to 15 years in prison for spreading what Moscow considers “false information”.

"Following the approval of legislation that provides for heavy prison sentences for the publication of news considered false by the authorities, as of today RAI suspends the journalistic services of its correspondents in the Russian Federation," the network announced in a statement. press.

“The measure is necessary to protect the safety of journalists on the ground and the maximum freedom of information about the country.

The news about what happens in the Russian Federation will be provided, for the time being, from various sources by journalists working for the company in neighboring countries and in the central newsrooms in Italy”, he concludes.

The measure follows those adopted by the American television CNN, the Canadian CBC, the Bloomberg news agency, as well as the British BBC.






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Putin says Western sanctions are akin to a 'declaration of war'

Russian President Vladimir Putin maintains that Western sanctions are similar to a "declaration of war", as he indicated this Saturday in a meeting with female flight crew members of Russian airlines, broadcast on public television.

The president has assured that he has no intention of declaring martial law in Russia because he sees no reason for it.

"Martial law is introduced in case of external aggression, in Russia there is no such situation now and, hopefully, there will be no such situation," he said.

Putin has defended this Saturday as "absolutely correct" his decision to invade Ukraine beyond the related areas of the Donbas region, in the east of the country.

He has also assured that, at this point in the incursion, "almost all of Ukraine's military infrastructure has been destroyed and the elimination of air defense is almost complete," according to statements collected by the TASS agency.

The Russian president has taken the opportunity to refute the accusations that the Russian Army is using conscripts in the invasion.

Regarding the debate on the possible creation of a no-fly zone over Ukraine, as the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, has been insisting to NATO for days, Putin has assured that any other country that tries to close Ukrainian airspace will be declared by Moscow as "a participant in hostilities".






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What has happened in the last hours after the invasion of Russian troops in Ukraine

On the tenth day of the war, these are the key facts at 2:00 p.m. this Saturday:

Ukraine accuses Russia of breaching the ceasefire and paralyzes the evacuation of civilians in Mariupol.

The Mariupol mayor's office has denounced that the Russian army is not complying with the ceasefire announced hours earlier by Moscow.

Russia has offered a five-hour ceasefire so civilians could flee the besieged city, as well as the southern city of Volnovakha.

The Ukrainian president, Volodímir Zelenski, has assured that "everything possible is being done to make the agreement [on humanitarian corridors] work".

1.3 million refugees.

The United Nations has raised this Saturday to 1.3 million the number of people fleeing the conflict in Ukraine and warns that this weekend could reach 1.5 million.

Polish authorities have reported a new record for refugees entering the country in a single day, after 106,000 people crossed the border from Ukraine. 

Three large reception centers for Ukrainians in Spain.

One of the centers will be in Alicante, where 21,000 people from that country live, announced the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, and the President of the Valencian Government, Ximo Puig.

The US Secretary of State: "Freedom, democracy, peace and security are threatened as never since World War II."

The Secretary of State of the United States, Antony Blinken, has assured that “freedom, democracy, peace, security, are threatened as never before since the Second World War”.

"We will defend every inch of NATO territory," Blinken reiterated during a visit to a NATO unit in Poland.

Inditex temporarily suspends activity in its 502 stores in Russia.

The multinational communicates that it has also ceased sales in the country's online channel.

Russia constitutes 8.5% of the group's global operating profit.

Photo: Departure of citizens from Irpin, near Kiev.

(Louis deVega)





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Russian airline Aeroflot will suspend all international flights on March 8

The Russian airline Aeroflot has announced this Saturday the suspension of all its international flights, except with Belarus, from March 8.

This decision is due to the new "circumstances that hinder the operation of flights," the company said in a statement, referring to Western sanctions imposed by Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

Internal flights will continue to operate, although with certain restrictions on destinations in the south of the country (France Presse).





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1.3 million Ukrainian refugees, according to the United Nations

The United Nations has raised this Saturday to 1.3 million the number of people fleeing the conflict in Ukraine and warns that this weekend could reach 1.5 million.

“This is the fastest-moving refugee crisis we have seen in Europe since World War II,” explained Filippo Grandi, the head of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), in a statement. interview with Reuters.

Grandi maintains that for now the refugees are relying on networks of acquaintances and relatives, but that future waves of departures from the country could be "more complicated" to manage. 





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Peskov: Russia "maintains channels of dialogue with the United States"

Despite the crisis unleashed by the Russian military offensive in Ukraine and the rain of economic sanctions against Moscow, the Kremlin spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, acknowledged this Saturday that Russia "maintains channels of dialogue with the United States", as he pointed out in his daily telephone press conference.

Although he has admitted that the country suffers from economic restrictions due to the sanctions imposed, Peskov wanted to emphasize that "the world is too big for Europe or the United States to be able to isolate a country, even more so one as huge as Russia."

“For this reason, we are convinced that we should not talk about isolation.

We trust that sooner or later our position will be assimilated by those countries [those of the EU and NATO] that now have too emotional positions and refuse to understand many things that are obvious, ”he insisted.

The spokesman for the Russian Presidency has stressed that the authorities are working on developing measures to deal with economic pressure from abroad.

“It is an extraordinary situation for the economy, which requires extraordinary, original, courageous measures that respond in the best possible way to our interests”, he added.






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Spain will have three large reception centers for Ukrainians, one in Alicante

Spain will have three large reception and care centers for people fleeing the war in Ukraine, one of which will be in Alicante, where 21,000 people from that country reside.

The announcement comes after the meeting held this Saturday between the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, and the President of the Valencian Government, Ximo Puig, in which, among other matters, the situation in Ukraine was analyzed.

Bolaños explained that they have spoken with the Minister of Inclusion and Migration, José Luis Escrivá, to specify aspects of the reception system for Ukrainians who end up in Spain.






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Blinken: "We will defend every centimeter of NATO territory"

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken: “We will defend every inch of NATO territory.

The ideals that unite us: freedom, democracy, peace, security, are threatened as never before since the Second World War.

More than 700,000 refugees have crossed the border into Poland and there are still more.

In these times of crisis, Poland has generously stepped forward.

We are very grateful".





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The Polish Foreign Minister: "Everything must be done to guarantee the evacuation"

Zbigniew Rau, Foreign Minister of Poland: “I ask Russia to stop attacking the civilian population.

I call on both sides to treat prisoners of war with dignity.

With our past experience, Poland has called for war criminals to be prosecuted.

We have talked about the possible collaboration of Poland and the USA in this area.

I ask for a ceasefire while the negotiations continue.

I call for humanitarian corridors to be established in cities under siege.

We have been asking for this since the conflict began.

Every effort must be made to ensure evacuation.

Our priority is that aid reaches the refugees.

Poland has already received 700,000 refugees and we will continue to receive all those in need.

The attack on Ukraine has already transformed security in Europe.

Poland welcomes NATO's quick reaction to these events.

Poland will give all possible support to Ukraine."





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Ukraine accuses Russia of breaching the ceasefire and paralyzes the evacuation of civilians in Mariupol

The Ukrainian authorities of the city of Mariupol have announced that the evacuation of civilians scheduled for this Saturday has been postponed because the Russian forces that keep the city under siege are not respecting the agreed ceasefire.

In a statement, the City Council has asked residents to return to the shelters in this city in the east of the country until more information about the evacuation is available.

Oleksi Arestovich, adviser to the Ukrainian presidency, has explained on television that Russia is not complying with the ceasefire in certain areas, frustrating a joint plan to evacuate civilians from frontline cities such as Mariupol.

The groups of Russian and Ukrainian negotiators had agreed, during their last meeting in Belarus, to open humanitarian corridors in the cities of Mariupol and Volnovaja to allow the exit of civilians, especially women, children and the elderly.

The ceasefire measure was to take effect at 8:00 in the morning, Spanish peninsular time, while the departure of civilians was to begin two hours later.

Russia has denied this breach.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has pointed out that the Mariupol authorities refuse to offer civilians the possibility of leaving through humanitarian corridors.






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Press conference of the US Secretary of State and the Polish Prime Minister, live

El secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos, Antony Blinken, ofrece una rueda de prensa junto a Zbigniew Rau, ministro de Exteriores de Polonia, tras visitar una base aérea de la OTAN en Polonia. Sígalo en directo. 





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Lavrov: “El régimen ucranio tiene como rehenes a la población civil ”

El ministro de Exteriores ruso, Serguéi Lavrov, en una comparecencia: “El régimen ucranio tiene como rehenes a la población civil de las ciudades. Después de las últimas negociaciones, hemos acordado crear corredores humanitarios. Por parte de nuestros militares esto se va a cumplir. Los poderes de Mariupol se niegan a ofrecer a los civiles la posibilidad de salir por los corredores humanitarios, se niegan a la ayuda humanitaria. El régimen de Kiev está dirigido a aumentar el conflicto, jugando con el destino de la población civil. Querían resolver el conflicto con la colaboración de la OTAN contra nosotros [...] Zelenski sigue intentando provocar un conflicto con la participación de la OTAN. Ucrania inventa continuamente nuevos motivos para posponer las negociaciones. De momento, no hemos recibido noticia sobre cuándo va a ser la tercera ronda. Esperamos que haya un cambio de actitud”. 

Foto: Reuters





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Zelenski: “Estamos haciendo todo lo posible para que el acuerdo [sobre los corredores humanitarios] funcione”

El presidente ucranio, Volodímir Zelenski, ha asegurado este sábado en declaraciones recogidas en un vídeo que en las conversaciones celebradas en Bielorrusia entre Rusia y Ucrania “los grupos acordaron el primer paso para restaurar al menos un uno por cierto de la humanidad en las ciudades sitiadas”, en alusión a la apertura de corredores humanitarios en Mariupol y Volnovaja. Las autoridades ucranias han denunciado este sábado que los rusos estaban incumpliendo el alto el fuego pactado durante cinco horas para permitir la salida de civiles. “Estamos haciendo todo lo posible para que el acuerdo funcione”, ha señalado Zelenski, que ha subrayado que “los corredores humanitarios funcionarán para salvar a personas, especialmente mujeres, niños y ancianos, y para proporcionar alimentos y medicinas a los que se queden”.

En un intento de elevar el ánimo de los ucranios, Zelenski se ha mostrado seguro de que pronto podrá decirle a su “gente” que puede regresar de “Polonia, Rumania, Eslovaquia y otros países amigos”. “Estamos pensando en el futuro de Ucrania cuando la guerra haya terminado, en cómo revivir nuestras ciudades, en cómo restaurar la economía”, ha exclamado.

El líder ucranio se ha pronunciado también sobre el número de bajas en el Ejército ruso, que ha elevado a “casi 10.000”. “Es una cifra horrible”, ha lamentado, porque “son muchachos de 18, 20 años”, soldados a los que “no se les explicó para qué los enviaron a luchar”. (Reuters)





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Inditex suspende temporalmente su actividad en sus 502 tiendas en Rusia

La compañía comunica que también ha cesado las ventas en el canal online del país. Rusia constituye el 8,5% del resultado de explotación global del grupo

Inditex acaba de informar a la CNMV que “en las actuales circunstancias no puede garantizar la continuidad de las operaciones y de las condiciones comerciales en la Federación Rusa” y suspende temporalmente su actividad en las 502 tiendas (de las cuales, 86 son Zara) y en el canal online del país. “Rusia constituye alrededor del 8,5% del EBIT global del grupo. Todas las tiendas operan en régimen de alquiler, por lo que la inversión no es relevante desde el punto de vista financiero”, ha comunicado la compañía. “Inditex sigue teniendo como prioridad su plantilla de más de 9.000 personas, con las que va a desarrollar a partir de este momento un plan especial de apoyo”, asegura el comunicado. Por Hugo Gutiérrez

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Las tropas rusas no cumplen el alto el fuego, según las autoridades locales ucranias

Las autoridades locales de Mariupol (Ucrania) han denunciado este sábado que el ejército ruso no está cumpliendo con el alto el fuego de cinco horas decretado desde las 11.00 hora local (10.00 en Madrid). "Estamos negociando para que haya un cese de las hostilidades en la ruta completa de evacuación", han dicho en un comunicado. (Reuters)





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Polonia recibe 106.000 refugiados en 24 horas, la cifra más alta en un día

Las autoridades de Polonia han informado este sábado de un nuevo récord de entrada de refugiados en el país en un solo día, después de que 106.000 personas cruzaran la frontera desde Ucrania. Desde el inicio de la invasión de Rusia a su país vecino, 780.000 ciudadanos han huido en dirección a Polonia. También han marchado a otros países como Eslovaquia, Hungría, Rumania o Moldavia, para un total de 1,2 millones de huidos según el último balance de Naciones Unidas. (Agencias) 





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Más de 66.000 hombres ucranios regresan al país para luchar contra las tropas rusas

El ministro de Defensa ucranio, Oleksii Reznikov, ha informado este sábado de que 66.224 hombres de nacionalidad ucrania han regresado al país para combatir y sumarse a la lucha contra la invasión de las tropas rusas. "Han regresado del extranjero para defender su país de la horda rusa. ¡Esto supone 12 nuevas brigadas combativas y motivadas! Los ucranios somos invencibles", ha resaltado Reznikov en un comunicado. 

El miércoles, el Ministerio de Defensa ruso hizo pública por primera vez una cifra oficial de bajas entre sus tropas, 498 muertos y 1.597 heridos, para desmentir, dijo, “las incalculables pérdidas” que les atribuye “la desinformación promovida por Occidente”. Esta cifra de muertos en combate es tres veces menor que la que ofrece Ucrania de bajas de soldados rusos. (Agencias)  





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Rusia da cinco horas a los civiles para huir de la asediada Mariupol

Las fuerzas armadas rusas han anunciado una tregua puntual de cinco horas en dos ciudades del sur de Ucrania para su evacuación. “A las 10 de la mañana, hora de Moscú, de este cinco de marzo, el lado ruso declara el alto el fuego y abre los corredores para que los civiles abandonen Mariupol y Volnovaja”, ha declarado  el Ministerio de Defensa, que ha remarcado que la "amplia" ofensiva militar continuará en el resto del país. Por su parte, el Ayuntamiento de Mariupol ha informado de que las evacuaciones comenzarán a las 11 de la mañana (las 10 en España).

Se trata de dos ciudades asediadas por los rusos en la franja sureña que une la península de Crimea y la zona de las autoproclamadas repúblicas separatistas de Donetsk y Lugansk. Los Gobiernos de Ucrania y Rusia pactaron en su segunda ronda de negociaciones de esta semana que se habilitarían pasos temporales en las urbes que han sido rodeadas por el ejército ruso para la salida de sus habitantes.

"Las fuerzas de la República Popular de Donetsk siguen reforzando el cerco de Mariupol", afirmó este sábado el portavoz del Ministeiro de Defensa, Ígor Konashenkov, quien hizo hincapié en la caída de otras pequeñas localidades en manos rusas.

En la imagen, combates en una zona residencial de Mariupol, el viernes. (@AyBurlachenko/ Reuters)





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Qué ha pasado en las últimas horas tras la invasión de las tropas rusas en Ucrania

En el décimo día de la guerra, estos son los datos clave a las 8.00 de este sábado:

  • Rusia anuncia un alto el fuego en dos ciudades para abrir corredores humanitarios. El Ministerio de Defensa ruso ha anunciado un alto el fuego temporal a partir de las 10.00, hora de Moscú (las 07.00 GMT, 8.00 en hora peninsular española) para la apertura de corredores humanitarios que permitan la evacuación de la población civil en las ciudades de Mariupol y Volnovaja, en el este de Ucrania. Defensa ha remarcado que las tropas rusas van a continuar con su "amplia" ofensiva militar en el resto del país. 

  • Zelenski advierte a la OTAN de que no imponer una zona de exclusión aérea en Ucrania es dar “luz verde” a los bombardeos rusos. El presidente de Ucrania, Volodímir Zelenski, ha criticado esta noche a la OTAN por dar “luz verde a los bombardeos” en el país, tras la decisión de la Alianza Atlántica de mantenerse militarmente al margen del conflicto y no decretar una zona de exclusión aérea, tal y como solicita Kiev desde el inicio de la invasión rusa. “Toda la gente que muera a partir de ahora lo hará también por vuestra culpa. Por vuestra debilidad”, ha acusado.

  • Los medios estadounidenses se suman a la desbandada de Rusia. Las cadenas ABC y CBS, el socio estadounidense de la BBC, han decidido interrumpir sus transmisiones en Rusia. El Washington Post omitirá publicar en sus textos los nombres de los autores que estén trabajando en territorio ruso, de acuerdo con sus redactores. El presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, ha firmado una ley que castiga hasta con 15 años de cárcel a periodistas que difundan "información falsa". La prensa extranjera ha asegurado que la legislación puede entrar en efecto a partir de este fin de semana.    
  • La cadena británica Sky News decide que cinco de sus periodistas abandonen Ucrania tras ser emboscados por soldados rusos.La cadena ha evacuado a cinco de sus periodistas después de que sufrieran una emboscada y un comando ruso abriera fuego contra ellos mientras se desplazaban a la comunidad de Bucha, en el centro de Ucrania. Dos de ellos, el corresponsal Stuart Ramsay y el cámara Richie Mockler, recibieron disparos.   
  • China aumenta su presupuesto militar un 7,1%. El Ministro de Finanzas de China ha anunciado un aumento del 7,1% en el presupuesto militar del país para 2022. El incremento es superior al de 2021, del 6,8%, y al crecimiento del PIB en lo que va de año, un 5,5%. El anuncio se ha producido al inicio del décimo día de guerra entre Ucrania y Rusia, y en medio de tensiones mundiales por el conflicto armado.    
  • Rusia bloquea el puerto estratégico de Mariupol.La ciudad está sometida a un "bloqueo" del Ejército ruso, ha reconocido el alcalde de la ciudad, Vadim Boitchenko. "En este momento, estamos buscando soluciones a los problemas humanitarios y todos los medios posibles para sacar a Mariupol del bloqueo", ha señalado Boitchenko a través de Telegram.    
  • Samsung suspende sus envíos a Rusia. La tecnológica ha anunciado que suspenderá el envío de teléfonos y chips a Rusia y que donará seis millones de dólares para apoyar los esfuerzos humanitarios en Ucrania. La compañía surcoreana se suma a la larga lista de empresas que han puesto en pausa sus operaciones en territorio ruso. Microsoft, por ejemplo, adelantó horas antes que ya no venderá sus productos en el país.





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