The Limited Times

Between Ukraine and Russia, Israel Bets on Its Place in the International System | Israel today

3/6/2022, 7:02:49 PM

Of course, if there is even a slim chance of a peace solution that will satisfy both sides, Bennett must take full advantage of it.

Two Middle Eastern leaders are currently mediating with Russia - Naftali Bennett and Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Both have good relations with both sides, and the two countries depend to one degree or another on Russia.

For Israel the Achilles' point is Syria, and for Turkey - the branching economic ties with Moscow.

But while Erdogan was playing on his own terms - talking to Putin on the phone while selling advanced UAVs to the Ukrainian army and closing down the Bosphorus Egypt to Russian battleships - Bennett flew to a secret meeting on Saturday, refraining from condemning, moving away from selling Ukrainian weapons to Erdogan. In need of improvement, less risk. Bennett, who heads his country as a strategic ally with the United States, puts his neck on the altar of mediation efforts between Russia and Ukraine.

Of course, if there is even a slim chance of a peace solution that will satisfy both sides - Bennett must take full advantage of it.

If he succeeds, he will gain international recognition and the respect of kings at home.

But as long as Russia continues to crush Ukraine, bomb residential buildings and massacre innocent civilians, Bennett is portrayed as a lone Western leader who also tries his best not to anger Putin and does not join sanctions and condemnations, as well as a man who gives legitimacy to the Russian regime. .

Russia has always used a warm relationship with Israel against the bad relations with Europe.

When Russia annexed Crimea, Israel did not condemn;

When no Western leader attended the Victory Day parade, Benjamin Netanyahu traveled to Moscow and marched with Putin in Red Square;

When Russia accused Europe and Ukraine of allowing neo-Nazis to operate freely and "rewrite history," Israel was on Russia's side.

Even today, when Putin sets himself the illusory and false goal of Ukraine's "de-Nazification," Israel does not make up for the contempt for the Holocaust.

With all due respect to the attempt to safeguard Israel's security interests, policymakers here must internalize that Russia is only doing what is good for Russia.

That is, if the next day Moscow decides to supply the S-400 system to Iran and the latest fighter jets to Bashar Assad, that is exactly what will happen.

It will not be something personal, only interests that Moscow must promote in order to increase sales, strengthen its allies, etc.

It is doubtful whether Israel has the opportunity to influence these moves.

On the other hand, what may be a difficult blow is the strategic relations between Israel and the United States and Europe. In both arenas, many politicians are already attacking the Israeli position, which is much more integrated into the Middle East landscape. Water: Both the United States and Europe are asking if Israel wants to be part of the collective West at all.

It is unclear whether Bennett's mediation attempts in Moscow will be crowned with success, even if only partially.

I wish so.

I wish the terrible carnage in Ukraine would stop, without this country relinquishing its sovereignty and subordinating itself to Moscow.

But the questions that emerge from contemporary Israeli experience do not necessarily concern Ukraine or Russia, but Israel, and its place in the international system.

Were we wrong?


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