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ESC preliminary decision: "Wrong" Nicole as a surprise guest on "A Little Peace" confuses fans

3/6/2022, 7:08:47 PM

ESC preliminary decision: "Wrong" Nicole as a surprise guest on "A Little Peace" confuses fans Created: 03/06/2022Updated: 03/06/2022, 20:00 By: Armin T. Linder At the ESC preliminary round, the song "EinBit Frieden" provided emotional moments. But also for the confusion of fans who expected Nicole. The song sang another legend. Berlin - With regard to the Ukraine conflict, "A little peace" is

ESC preliminary decision: "Wrong" Nicole as a surprise guest on "A Little Peace" confuses fans

Created: 03/06/2022Updated: 03/06/2022, 20:00

By: Armin T. Linder

At the ESC preliminary round, the song "EinBit Frieden" provided emotional moments.

But also for the confusion of fans who expected Nicole.

The song sang another legend.

Berlin - With regard to the Ukraine conflict, "A little peace" is just one of many very appropriate anti-war songs at the moment.

In this respect, it was not surprising when Barbara Schöneberger indicated at the beginning of the preliminary decision for the Eurovision Song Contest (all information on our topic page) on Friday that the title would still be able to be heard in the course of the evening.

And many viewers probably expected Nicole herself, who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1982, to perform the song, as reported by


A bit of peace




Ralph Seal


Bernd opinioner

ESC preliminary decision: "A little peace" as part of a medal

It was also read on

in advance that there would be a performance of a "special version" of the classic.

It then turns out to be part of a medley: Jane Comerford from Texas Lightning and Conchita Wurst first perform their own ESC titles "No, No, Never" and "Rise Like A Phoenix", then swing over to the Swedish winning song 2012 "Euphoria". Lorene.

Then the first tones of “A little peace” sound.

The large video wall behind the stage is bathed in blue, showing a yellow heart - the colors of Ukraine.

The lyrics of the song are displayed: "A little peace, a little sun for this earth we live on."

Gitte Haenning (middle) sang the Nicole song at the ESC preliminary decision - and many were confused at first.

© Britta Pedersen/dpa/Pool

ESC preliminary decision: "Wrong" Nicole as a surprise guest on "A Little Peace" confuses fans

At that moment, a surprise guest enters the stage and sings these words.

A lot of TV viewers should have expected that it was hit star Nicole (57).

is it her

Isn't she?

Many remembered the singer very differently.

“Nicole looks like Howard Carpendale.

Is that Nicole?”

and “And now Nicole comes onto the stage with 'A Bit Peace'!

Sniff!” they write.

Others also express their irritation or seem to think the lady is Nicole.

ESC preliminary decision: Gitte Haenning performs Nicole classics

Instead, another Schlager and ESC legend sang Nicole's song: "Forgive me, yes, that was Gitte Haenning"

, one of the confused promptly corrected himself. "'A little peace' from Nicole, but not with Nicole", means it too.

And not very flattering: "Oh, that's Gitte Haenning, thought, 'Nicole has gotten old'." Of course, at 75 Gitte Haenning is also 18 years older than Nicole.

Another speculates, probably without any basis: "Nicole is eating pizza with the family today, so Gitte was asked if she had the time and inclination."

ESC preliminary decision: "A little peace" moves many viewers

So be it: the fact that the large frame is used for the peace song is noticeably well received by many viewers.

"This year, Nicole would do the world some good with 'a little peace,'" it says.

Others are also calling for the hit star to be sent to the ESC.

Nicole's "representative" Gitte Haenning met with a lot of encouragement.

"Hard love for Gitte!", "Gitte is the best on the screen today," write fans.

And the surprise guest wasn't that surprising for the attentive viewer: "Surprise guest Gitte Haenning?

Dear ARD, you faded in the name at the beginning..." Malik Harris then won the ESC preliminary decision - who was not allowed to go to the toilet after the win.


Sources used:

ARD,, Twitter

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