The Limited Times

Faced with war, Mélenchon wants to put on the costume of Jaurès

3/7/2022, 7:51:51 PM

L'Insoumis pleads for a "non-aligned" France, defending a diplomatic strategy rather than sending arms to the Ukrainian resistance.

The deputy LFI Éric Coquerel likes to deliver this prognosis:

"In fifty years, we will talk about

Jean-Luc Mélenchon

as we talk today about Jean Jaurès"

, bets this fellow traveler of the candidate.

It is in any case one of the dreams of the Insoumis: to brand his name with a hot iron in history, in the same way as his icon.

At the time of the war in Ukraine, he again tries to draw inspiration from it, wanting to borrow his costume as a defender of the peace.

To discover

  • Compare the programs of the candidates for the 2022 presidential election

  • Jean-Luc Mélenchon, his strategy, his statements... Follow his campaign on the Figaro app

  • Yves Thréard presents Le Club Le Figaro Presidentielle, our new political program

"Jean Jaurès had perfectly sensed for his time what was not understood by everyone, namely what butchery was going to be the First World War"

, he greeted him on Saturday in the Vaise district of Lyon.

It was here that the socialist had delivered his last speech

“for peace”

on July 25, 1914, five days before his assassination in Paris.

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Jean-Luc Mélenchon wanted to register his outdoor meeting in Lyon on Sunday in the footsteps of his mentor.

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