The Limited Times

France "at the rendezvous" of welcoming Ukrainians

3/7/2022, 7:51:57 PM

REPORT - Secretary of State Clément Beaune traveled to Poland on the border with Ukraine on Monday to meet the refugees.

Ukraine is there, behind them.

By the tens of thousands, they leave it daily.

In Dorohusk, the first Polish city to emerge from hell, the flow of Ukrainians has been uninterrupted since the launch of the Russian offensive on their land.

144,000 on Monday.

How much tomorrow?

Surely more.

To discover

  • LIVE - War in Ukraine: follow the latest developments in the conflict

  • Follow information on the war in Ukraine with the Figaro application

Women, children, old people arrive after a grueling journey.

In addition to the threatening bombardments, they recount the heartbreaking farewells with the men.

Some accompanied their families to the border.

But, until they are 65, they are required to stay in Ukraine, to be ready to take up arms.

These stories, Clément Beaune, the Secretary of State for European Affairs, came to listen to them on Monday.

See also

Ukrainians united by the spirit of resistance against Russia

“I could never have imagined this in the 21st century… My husband promised me to go to Paris when the war is over”

, says a young woman while scrolling on her smartphone a news feed that references the bombings who disfigure his country.

"You will do

it", promises the secretary...

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