The Limited Times

Humanitarian corridors: Russian "cynicism" in charge

3/7/2022, 8:15:37 PM

The Russian forces have put on the table the opening of six corridors from Kiev, Kharkiv, Sumy or even Mariupol towards Russia and Belarus.

Moscow's rhetoric does not bother with paradoxes or improbable assertions.

Like that of proposing to the Ukrainian populations to flee towards the lines of their assailants.

Mentioned last Thursday during a second round of negotiations, the opening of humanitarian corridors was again discussed on Monday by Russian and Ukrainian representatives.

The Russian forces have put on the table the opening of six corridors from Kiev, Kharkiv, Sumy or even Mariupol towards Russia and Belarus.

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See also

Moscow threatens to torpedo Iran nuclear deal

The proposal is "

completely immoral",

replied a spokesperson for the Ukrainian government.


Citizens of Ukraine must have the right to be evacuated to Ukrainian territory

," it added.

On the Russian side, the Ministry of Defense regretted that Ukraine refused the proposal, to better reject the responsibility for the continuation of military operations on its opponent.

The Russian negotiator even accused the Ukrainians of holding civilians

“in the cities…

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