The Limited Times

The defense establishment warns of unrest: "The attacks may spread beyond the borders of Jerusalem" | Israel today

3/7/2022, 9:57:20 PM

The injury of the two policemen in the Old City has jumped the top of the police and the Jerusalem district • After four terrorist attacks in the past month, the fear is that Hamas will try to set the area on fire •

"We are on the verge of an explosive period, and it seems that knife terrorism is returning," a senior police official told Israel Today following the stabbing attack in the Old City, warning: "We are witnessing a series of disturbing attacks, which could slide out of the capital."

The injury of the two policemen yesterday, following the stabbing attack yesterday, jumped the top of the police and the Jerusalem district.

The commissioner, who was present at the Netivot station during the attack, interrupted the meeting and went to the scene of the attack, where there is a special situation assessment with the Jerusalem district commander and the commanders of the Border Police and the district command. Against Palestinian Shiites (illegal residents) across the country, with an emphasis on construction sites.

The knife used by the terrorist, Photo: Police spokeswoman

In May, Palestinians and Israeli Arabs will mark a full year of the terrorist incidents that took place in Jerusalem and the cities involved, before Operation Wall Guard.

The fear is that Hamas will try to set the area on fire, agitate and incite the Palestinian and Arab public in the territories and within Israel.

The defense establishment also estimates that there will be attempts to carry out further attacks in the Old City.

As reported, a terrorist from East Jerusalem in East Jerusalem managed to stab and slightly injure a policeman at a sinful gate on Tuesday.

Another policeman was slightly injured in the shooting at the terrorist.

Last week, on Wednesdays and Thursdays, two Israelis were stabbed in the village of Hizma in north Jerusalem, day after day, while shopping there.

The suspect in the two attacks, who was arrested after a manhunt, is a resident of the Shuafat refugee camp.

The heroism of the border fighter: was stabbed in the face and immediately helped neutralize the terrorist

Meanwhile, the two policemen who were injured yesterday, in the second attack in a day, are being treated in hospitals in the capital.

One, in a mild-moderate condition, was taken to Shaare Zedek Medical Center and operations were performed to stabilize his condition.

The second wounded man, 25, arrived at the trauma room at Hadassah Mount Scopus with stab wounds to his upper body.

His condition is moderate and he is fully conscious.

Documentation of the stabbing attack at the entrance to the Temple Mount // Credit: Police Spokeswoman

The security camera footage showed that the terrorist, a resident of Jalzon in the Ramallah area, left the cotton gate on the Temple Mount at the end of the evening prayer at five-thirty and went down the stairs to the shopping street, taking advantage of his height to attack the policemen on the steps.

The terrorist first attacked the policeman and managed to stab him, then went to the border fighter and stabbed him in the face. A fight developed between the fighter and the terrorist, while the terrorist repeatedly tried to continue harming him. While the fighter assisted him until the terrorist was mortally wounded, and his death was determined at the scene.

MDA medic Baruch Weissman said: "When we arrived at the cotton gate, we saw the policemen treating two wounded, aged about 20, who suffered stab wounds.

"We took them to the Western Wall plaza during initial medical treatment, which included bandages and stopping bleeding, and transferred them to an intensive care unit that evacuated them to the hospital when their condition was stable."

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