The Limited Times

Totti and Berlusconi, antithesis of Italian romanticism

3/7/2022, 8:50:56 AM

The footballer's divorce rumors with his lifelong girlfriend and wife coincide with the denial of 'Il Cavaliere's wedding with his last partner, 32 years old

Some couples express in their union the sign of the times of a certain era.

Statistics indicate, however, that these links, with noble airs, almost always end badly.

Romeo and Juliet would constitute the original error of the tragedy of love.

Tony and María, numeraries of different New York gangs —the Jets and the Sharks— in

West Side Story

updated the myth.

The marriage between heaven and hell

, by William Blake (“The paths of excess lead to the palace of wisdom”) added poetic depth.

Sara Carbonero and Iker Casillas —when we were kings— took it away from him.

And then, at a certain cultural distance, but useful to decipher the devilish Italy of the 2000s, the soccer player Francesco Totti and the vedette Ilary Blasi became the perfect marriage to measure the sentimental health and, above all, the aesthetics of society Roman.

The problem, the chronicles of the city now point out, is that they would approach the last stop.

On Sunday there was more talk about this issue at the Olympic than about the hard-fought victory of Mourinho's team against Atalanta (1-0).


rare avis

of a single club, was the last king to crown the streets of Rome.

Specifically those of San Giovanni, the downtown neighborhood where he grew up with his family.

Ilary Blasi —her father named her after

The Conquest of the West—

was a well-known

show girl

which the player fell in love with from the other side of the screen.

Totti played in the Roma first team for 24 years: 8,828 days, 291 months.

When he retired he was 41 years old and half of the players who had faced him that season had not even been born when he debuted.

She, on the other hand, consolidated her career when she met him, shortly after Il Capitano lifted the elastic in a Roma-Lazio match in 2002 —the same year in which a cyclone called Berlusconi unfolded another type of love and sexual story already as the first minister—with the famous declaration of love on the white t-shirt: “

6 unica

” (you are unique).

The same one that she showed the day her husband decided to retire and, who knows, without starting the crisis that reaches so many mortals when they exceed four decades.

The problem is that everyone deduced that if Totti had decided to play alone in Roma – the parody of the player always shows him recounting how he rejected the siren songs of Real Madrid – his life should have the same design.

His love story, broadcast live, was the paradigm of the sentimental aesthetic of half the city.

Totti was married in the Basilica of Santa María de Aracoeli, next to the Town Hall.

They sold the rights to the Sky network (they gave the money to an NGO).

He interested everything about them.

Almost everyone remembers what he was doing on the day of the advent of Christian, his firstborn.

The dynamic, in short, was that of a royal family in a republican country.

But the Totti family was a reflection of stability and the confidence that there would never be anything better out there than what you would find at home.

"If they let themselves

The news of the possible divorce of Totti and Ilary, which the footballer denied in a strange video a few weeks ago and which some friends who break everything have been in charge of confirming these days, took part of the population out of the emotional comfort zone .

But the curious thing is that it coincided with another marriage rumor that was about to completely alter the sentimental order in Italy.

But in the opposite direction.

Berlusconi's girlfriend, a 32-year-old deputy from Forza Italia, Marta Fascina, hinted on social networks that they would get married and that they would smoke a joint on the wedding night (for what purpose is unknown).

She did it after several entrances and exits from the hospital that seriously threatened Berlusconi's legend of immortality who, in this case, decided to maintain the

status quo

and deny the wedding.

If necessary, he slipped away, they could have a party.

But no wedding.

At least, the other half of Italy sighed, someone maintains the established order.

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