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Ambassador Attia: Washington and its allies continue to politicize the work of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

3/8/2022, 11:45:21 PM

The Hague, SANA- The Permanent Representative of the Syrian Arab Republic to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Ambassador Mila

The Hague-Sana

The Permanent Representative of the Syrian Arab Republic to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Ambassador Milad Attia, affirmed that the continued politicization of the work of the organization by the United States of America, some Western countries and Turkey puts its ability to carry out its mandate under the Chemical Weapons Convention to the test and threatens its future.

In Syria's statement delivered during the opening session of the ninety-ninth session of the Organization's Executive Council today, Ambassador Attia warned that the expansion of chemical terrorist threats has become a serious threat to international peace and security, pointing out that no country is safe from this dangerous threat.

Attia said, "The Syrian Arab Republic affirms that the behavior of some parties, led by the United States of America, some Western countries and Turkey in covering up the crimes and practices of terrorist groups in Syria, encouraged those terrorists to commit more heinous crimes against Syrian citizens, including the use of toxic materials over the years. the past eight to accuse the Syrian government of it.”

Attia explained that despite the difficult and complex circumstances that Syria has gone through, the United States is still making false and flimsy excuses to justify not fulfilling its obligations to destroy its chemical arsenal until this date, stressing that what Syria has been subjected to during the past years within the organization, in addition to the politicized and misleading approach, raised a serious question. We have about the organization's ability to carry out its mandate under the agreement and how well it can withstand pressures from the United States and its Western allies.

Attia considered that this serious challenge does not concern Syria only, but is considered a global problem of a systematic nature, because the organization has turned into a tool for political manipulation that has kept it away from its professionalism and credibility, especially the approach taken by Western countries by passing decisions in their decision-making bodies through voting, absence of consensus and disrespect for the views of countries. other.

Attia expressed his regret that this technical organization was again involved in purely political and security issues and expressed deep concern about the state of affairs, stressing that what is required is to stop this continuous decline in the course of the organization's work and to begin seriously and urgently to correct it to return it to the implementation of its mandate entrusted to it as the basic and neutral pillar For the chemical weapons non-proliferation regime, Syria is once again keen to pursue positive and constructive cooperation with its technical secretariat.

Attia pointed out that Syria faced a historically unprecedented campaign of skepticism and false accusations of not cooperating with the organization and its technical secretariat, indicating that some countries pre-empted the results of technical consultations that are still ongoing between the Syrian National Committee and the “Declaration Evaluation Team,” taking advantage of what was stated in some reports related to: The “Syrian Declaration” and other reports issued by the organization in this regard, despite Syria’s assertion that some of the technical issues being discussed between the two sides are related to different scientific interpretations and therefore cannot be resolved in a distorted and selective manner, and no one has the right to jump to accusations directly about issues that are still subject to discussion and research.

Attia stressed that the behavior of those countries blatantly contradicts the texts of the agreement, the principles of international law and the Charter of the United Nations, and it is nothing but an attempt to employ the organization and the remaining technical aspects in the Syrian chemical file to serve its political purposes represented in applying pressure on Syria, which continued its full positive cooperation with the organization and adhered to In an organized dialogue with the “Advertising Evaluation Team” through the 24 rounds of consultations, with the aim of ending the remaining outstanding technical issues.

Syria's permanent representative to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons said, "Syria, along with many countries, on more than one occasion expressed objective observations regarding the work of the fact-finding mission regarding the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria and cooperated with the teams of this mission and provided it with all the facilities required for the success of its tasks, but this The mission failed more than one test, and its bias, unprofessionalism and falsification of facts were proven in more than one report it issued, such as the Khan Sheikhoun incident in 2017, the Aleppo, Saraqib and Douma incidents in 2018, and most recently the Kafr Zita incident report in 2016.”

Attia expressed his concern that such an approach would not lead to fair and objective results and conclusions, calling in this context for the mission to overcome the flaws related to its approach and working methods, its respect for the provisions of the agreement and its commitment to its professional standards and the document of terms of reference that were agreed upon with Syria.

Attia stressed that it has become unacceptable to remain silent about the mission’s continuation to work in accordance with these wrong methods, stressing that the continuation of some state parties’ praise for their reports, their professionalism and their impartiality falls within the framework of using these reports to put more pressure on Syria and cover up the crimes of the terrorists and their arm, the “White Helmets” terrorist group. In this area.

In response to the false accusations that came in the statements of some Western countries, Ambassador Attia said, “We hope that the members of the Executive Council will not be neutral or distance themselves from a dangerous project in which the game has become clear to target Syria through this organization. We all have the responsibility to think deeply, embraced by wisdom, that Some do not lure us, as happened in the Iraqi trap in 2003.”

Attia added, "The image of former US Secretary of State Colin Powell in the Security Council in 2003, while he was presenting the lies that he later admitted to be so and known to the whole world, are repeated in the organization's forums," pointing out that the information that came in the last five monthly reports of the Director-General of the organization prompted the inaccurate information. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, Dr. Faisal Al-Miqdad, Chairman of the Syrian National Committee, sent two letters to him in December 2021 and January 2022 to clarify many inaccuracies and to show the manipulation of sentences, words, and subjective allusions in those reports.

Attia added, “We also regret the fabrications contained in the statements of some Western countries that do not need to be proven, as some of them have continued to make false accusations against Syria and read and interpret as they want in a way that reflects their premeditated orientations against Syria and resorted to public threats and pressures to underscore the accusations and impose their views on the technical secretariat of the organization in advance.”

Attia stressed that whoever politicizes the Syrian chemical file is the one who justifies aggression after aggression against the Syrian people and supports terrorism that has claimed the lives of thousands of Syrians and abandoned a large part of them, and is slandering Syria that it still possesses chemical weapons or prohibited chemical activities and that it used chemical weapons. Let us not be deceived by his words, nor be deceived by his seemingly stylized and humanistic words, while they put poison in the fat.

Attia stressed Syria's keenness not to contaminate the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and its humanitarian goals with the tricks of some countries, stressing that whoever is keen on this organization must keep it away from the US-Western politicization that aims to trap it and cause its failure later.

Attia warned that the United States of America, along with some Western countries, are still developing their forms of attack against Syria, and they are insisting on continuing false accusations and fabricating tales and stories, and at the same time they insist on continuing the siege, stealing resources, impoverishing the Syrian people, injecting anger into them and creating despair.

Attia stressed that the Syrian people, who have been resilient for 11 years, know very well how to face this conspiracy and aggression, which has become exposed even to our children.

On the developments of the situation in Ukraine and the Russian special military operation to protect the residents of Donbass, Attia affirmed that the legitimate Russian Federation has the right to defend its national security and keep the dangers away from its people and citizens, based on the principles of justice and humanity.

Attia said, "We support Russia, based on our conviction of the correctness of its position, which has been presenting practical proposals and has exercised the highest forms of restraint towards all attempts to escalate by Western countries," noting that those responsible for the chaos and bloodshed are Western countries as a result of their policies aimed at controlling other peoples. In Ukraine and in different regions of the world, the stability of the world is struck.

Attia believed that those countries continued imposing immoral unilateral coercive measures and sending all kinds of weapons and mercenaries, including terrorists in Syria, to Ukraine without any calculations of the dangers of these policies and their threat to international peace and security.

Attia said, "The last people who have the right to talk about interference in the internal affairs of countries are the United States and its allies from Western countries. Modern and contemporary history bears witness to the acts of aggression, invasion, intervention and terrorism that they carried out, which displaced and killed millions of innocent victims in many countries in this world, and we do not forget what they did." It was carried out in Syria, where their reckless policies led to thousands of casualties, the destruction of infrastructure, and the imposition of economic terrorism represented by unilateral coercive measures since 2011 until now.

Attia clarified that what some countries raised about chemical plays accusing Russia has become known in the archives of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, and it reminds us of what those countries were doing in fabricating theatrics of using chemical weapons to accuse the Syrian government of which it is being repeated today with Russia by making false and baseless accusations during The special operation it is currently conducting in Ukraine in defense of its national security and its citizens.

Attia stressed that achieving the universality of the Chemical Weapons Convention represents a very important step in ensuring the establishment of an effective global system against chemical weapons, but this matter will not be achieved without obligating Israel to join the Chemical Weapons Convention and the rest of the international agreements related to the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Attia expressed his regret that countries claiming to be keen on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons impede any endeavor to establish a zone free of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East in order to protect the Israeli occupation entity and keep it outside any international control over its nuclear, chemical and biological facilities.

Attia recalled that Syria acceded to the Chemical Weapons Convention in 2013 voluntarily and in good faith, believing in the rejection of the use of chemical weapons by anyone, anywhere and under any circumstances, and faithfully and credibly implemented its sovereign decision to finish the Syrian chemical file within a record time, and accomplished what it had not accomplished. Some of the countries acceding to the agreement several years ago.

The current session of the Council continues until the eleventh of this month.

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