The Limited Times

Athletics: "Cross 6.20 m and go beyond", Duplantis more motivated than ever after his world record

3/8/2022, 10:27:26 AM

Author of a masterful jump to 6.19m, Monday in Belgrade, Armand Duplantis does not intend to stop there and aims much higher than this new

The little pole vaulting genius has struck again.

And strong.

Nothing seems to be able to resist Armand Duplantis for long, who improved his indoor world record on Monday in Belgrade with a bar of 6.19m.

It is already the third time that he has managed to improve on the best mark of all time after 6.17m then 6.18m in February 2020.

“It was time, this height caused me more worries than any other in my life.

I am delighted that this is accomplished, he explained hotly, relieved, to AFP.

"From now on we will attack 6.20 m, same procedure in two weeks", he added in reference to the indoor world championships which will take place in the same room in Belgrade from March 18 to 20 and of which he is obviously the big favourite.


#6.19 #borntofly

— Mondo Duplantis (@mondohoss600) March 7, 2022

A record which he took longer to break but which he had obviously prepared meticulously: "Usually I don't train to jump this high, but today (Monday) I felt really trust.

I think it showed in my way of jumping: the only thing I had in mind from the beginning was to break the record.

If I hadn't succeeded, I would have blamed myself.


Here he is, therefore, who can project himself towards an ever more radiant future.

And with ever-increasing motivation.

“I have the feeling that I can jump even higher, that all this is still the beginning.

I think I can still try a lot of different things, like crossing 6.20 m and going beyond, ”he considers greedily.

A tantalizing prospect.

And with 'Mondo', it could go very quickly...