The Limited Times

Campaign for International Women's Day: Five strong women who have significantly shaped the district of Freising

3/8/2022, 8:09:18 PM

Campaign for International Women's Day: Five strong women who have significantly shaped the district of Freising Created: 08/03/2022, 21:00 Presenting strong women: Evelin Altenbeck, Judith Mayerhanser, Verena Juranowitsch, Hildegund Koblitz, Gisela Landesberger, Maria Martin and MdL Johannes Becher (from left). © Lehmann The member of parliament Johannes Becher (Greens) remembered strong role

Campaign for International Women's Day: Five strong women who have significantly shaped the district of Freising

Created: 08/03/2022, 21:00

Presenting strong women: Evelin Altenbeck, Judith Mayerhanser, Verena Juranowitsch, Hildegund Koblitz, Gisela Landesberger, Maria Martin and MdL Johannes Becher (from left).

© Lehmann

The member of parliament Johannes Becher (Greens) remembered strong role models in the district of Freising with a special campaign for International Women's Day.


– The member of parliament Johannes Becher from the Green Party came up with something very special this year for International Women’s Day.

In order to remind the citizens again of the great achievements of women from Freising and the surrounding area, five women slipped into the roles of those icons at Marienplatz on Tuesday, who have had a lasting impact on the district, but also on the women's movement.

The idea

Becher's idea was simple and yet concise: Speaking monuments that allow a retrospective and describe the life paths of women who have achieved great things.

Based on the publication "Women from the Freising district" by FT journalist Maria Martin, Marienplatz and Untere Hauptstraße were charmingly transformed into a living archive with which passers-by could enter into a dialogue.

The district farmer

Katharina Hobmaier was portrayed, who was the first district farmer to found rural women's groups with great commitment and who campaigned vehemently for the stationing of a school for village helpers in the district of Freising.

The "Mother of the Disabled"

Also embodied was the Moosburg "mother of the disabled", Juliane Maier, who has put her heart and soul into the interests of disabled people for over three decades and also laid the foundation stone for the Juliane-Maier-Haus, a residential home for severely disabled people, with her fundraising campaigns , has laid.

The anti-fascist

As an anti-fascist and savior of the famous Erich Mühsam diaries, Kreszentia "Zenzl" Mühsam is still a name that reverberates today - a woman who was politically combative but was always committed to the basic idea of ​​freedom.

The brewer

Elisabeth Hörhammer-Giammattei was also remembered, who as a woman did not hesitate to take up a very typical "man's job", namely that of the brewer, and later took over the Hague Schlossallee and thus showed women that there were no restrictions for the female gender gives.

The chamber singer

A woman of the world was Rosa Sucher, who celebrated international success as a chamber singer and shaped her musical life in Freising as a young woman.

The picture of Klara Goerge in a suitcase full of flowers, which was supposed to commemorate her escape, was touching – the escape of a pregnant woman with nine children from the Russian border area to the West.

(By the way: everything from the region is now also available in our regular Freising newsletter.)

The actresses

The female personalities of Verena Juranowitsch, Judith Mayerhanser, Evelin Altenbeck, Gisela Landesberger and Hildegund Koblitz were shown with great commitment.

But the Ukraine was also an issue: “We will soon have a lot of people here, including many women and children.

And we will give them refuge,” said Becher.

He had a very clear opinion on International Women's Day per se: "Every day should actually be International Women's Day." What he would like for the future are more men in day-care centers and more women in political leadership positions.

Richard Lorenz

More current news from the district of Freising can be found here.

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