The Limited Times

Tomorrow: Disruptions in Public Transport Israel today

3/8/2022, 8:27:49 PM

Negotiations with the Ministries of Transportation and Finance on drivers' wages were unsuccessful • Lines in Jerusalem, Afula, Ashkelon and other cities will be closed • For the full list

Approved by the Labor Court: Tomorrow (Wednesday) the public transport drivers unionized by force for the workers will sit.

This is after the negotiations with the Ministries of Finance and Transportation on raising drivers' wages and improving working conditions - did not succeed.

Negotiations failed, Minister Michaeli, Photo: Yehoshua Yosef

It should be noted that more than a month and a half after the labor dispute was declared, both sides tried to reach a compromise.

Transport Minister Merav Michaeli also stated last week that she is working to raise drivers' wages and improve working conditions, but she says the difficulty is with the Treasury.

The parties met in the Labor Court, which ruled about a month ago that the parties must continue the talks.

However he set March 9 as the due date and date, after no summary or progress was presented to the tribunal as stated he allowed the strike.

At the same time the parties will continue to meet.

Negotiations failed, Finance Minister Lieberman, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

So who strikes on Wednesday?

Matron lines in Haifa, lines in Jerusalem, Afula, Tiberias, Yokneam, Beit She'an, Ashkelon, Sderot and Ofakim, as well as intercity lines to Beer Sheva and Jerusalem.

In all, about a quarter of a million passengers will be left without public transportation.

For a full list of lines, see details at the end of the article.

The Union of Forced Transport Committees for Workers has announced that these are the bus lines at Superbus, Dan South, and Electra Afikim Transport 2021 (formerly Egged Transport).

It will be recalled that the union strike scheduled for 16.2 was postponed by order of the Jerusalem Regional Labor Court, in order to give state representatives and the public transportation companies forum an opportunity to exhaust negotiations and improve the terms of employment of public transportation drivers.

Today, the parties presented to Judge Sarah Bruiner Israzda the chain of events since the previous hearing, which shows that in the meeting between the representatives of the state and the representative of the Companies Forum, the issue of wages did not come up at all.

Minister Michaeli, for her part, postponed the meeting with the operators for a month, and in a meeting with individuals from the workers' representatives referred them to the Ministry of Finance and tried to persuade him to allocate a budget for this themselves.

"In light of the dragging of the feet on the part of the parties, the Union of Transport Committees was forced to carry out the strike intention," the drivers noted.

Tam Froimowitz, head of the Forced Transportation for Workers industry, said: "We recognize a positive spirit from the Ministry of Transportation and a willingness to finally talk about a really painful issue for drivers - wages. Warning light - we call on the parties to recover. About 4,000 drivers are missing in Israel. The existing number of drivers is under the burden and without them there is no public transportation.

The main struggle is as stated over wages.

The wage for a fact hour is currently 43 shekels gross and drivers demand an increase of at least 53 shekels per hour.

According to them, the average salary for a driver today is about NIS 8,500, well below the average salary in the economy.

Many drivers said they are forced to work sometimes 12 hours a day to raise their monthly wages.

In addition to the salaries of the drivers' demands, an improvement in the terms of employment, recognition of the status of a public employee, the establishment of refreshment stations, security against increasing violence and more.

List of striking cities:

Haifa: All matron lines.

Jerusalem: Lines 2, 38, 74, 75, 77, 82, 83, 91, 136, 163, 504, 506, 531, 746, 850, 851, 882, 931, 932, 933. For areas: Homat Shmuel, Gila, French Hill, Malcha, Talpiot East, Derech Hebron, Mamilla, Old City, Nayot, Rasko, Katamonim, Har Nof, Ramot, Strauss, Givat Shaul, Har Hotzvim, Nachlaot.

Most of the Jerusalem Envelope lines for localities: Givat Zeev, Mevaseret Zion.

, Gush Etzion, Kiryat Arba, Binyamin Regional Council.

Local Transportation - North:

Afula, Tiberias, Migdal Haemek, Yokneam, Beit She'an, Dalit El Carmel, Isfiya, Megiddo Regional Council.

Local Transportation - South:

Ashkelon, Ofakim, Netivot, Sderot, Gaza Envelope settlements.

Long-distance transportation - south: Beer Sheva - lines from Ashkelon.

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