The Limited Times

Bishop Bätzing on the war in Ukraine: "The Pope would leave for Moscow immediately"

3/10/2022, 5:11:15 PM

Could the Pope mediate in the Ukraine war? Bishop Georg Bätzing assumes that Francis would be ready for a peace mission - but the Russian Orthodox Church rejects a visit.

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Pope Francis (archive): Ready for a peace mission


According to Bishop Georg Bätzing, Pope Francis would be willing to travel to Russia as a mediator in the Ukraine war.

"The Pope would leave for Moscow immediately," said the chairman of the German Bishops' Conference (DBK).

However, the Russian Orthodox Church has been rejecting a visit from the pope for around three decades: "The popes have been trying for 30 years, but they don't get there." Many people wrote to church representatives and wished that the pope would fly to Moscow, said Bätzing .

»These are also times of decision«

According to Bätzing, Francis was unequivocal from the start and described the war in Ukraine as madness.

»The Pope is always trying, he will do everything to ensure that this insane war comes to an end and that peace gets a chance.«

In his statements on the war, Pope Francis has so far not addressed Russian President Vladimir Putin or the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, Kirill, by name.

The German bishops have now become clearer in their position on the war: they call on the patriarch "to speak a clear word for his part and to clearly distance himself from the war".

The world needs a common witness of the churches.

"These are also times of decision." Kirill recently called Ukrainian soldiers "forces of evil."
