The Limited Times

Macron at Versailles proposes a 'War Recovery' of 100 billion

3/10/2022, 2:16:53 PM

A plan to develop strategic autonomy and meet the approximately 100 billion investments - according to initial and partial estimates - that the EU may need as a consequence of the war in Ukraine. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - VERSAILLES, MARCH 10 - A plan to develop strategic autonomy and cope with the approximately 100 billion investments - according to initial and partial estimates - that the EU could need as a consequence of the war in Ukraine.

   It will be the host of the Versailles summit, Emmanuel Macron, who will give the sprint to a proposal that makes space for days in Brussels and which, in the European chancelleries, are beginning to outline as a sort of 'War recovery'.

The road, however, is uphill.

The European leaders who will arrive in the symbolic circle of the Ancien Regime are marked by different sensitivities, with the Netherlands but also Germany leading the front which calls everyone to prudence.

    Moreover, even the European Commission, for now, is hesitating.

   Looking first of all at the resources already deployed with the EU Next Generation, which has one of its pillars in energy.

   The conclusions of the summit will confirm the objective of energy autonomy from Moscow, already included in the drafts of the past few days.

But, on the first day of the summit, the situation in Ukraine and the need to increase EU military spending, which sees the Baltic leaders at the forefront, will have space above all.

European sources also confirm that Ukraine's European perspective will be mentioned in the Versailles declaration.

This is - add the same sources - a mainly political step in a context in which the request of Kiev has already been examined by the EU Council with unprecedented speed.

But, from a practical point of view, Ukraine's European path will take much longer.

    Prime Minister Mario Draghi and his counterparts will arrive at the Chateau de Versailles around 5pm. The summit is scheduled to start at 5.30pm.