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"Disregard for the noble value of human life": 10.5 years in prison for a young man who murdered a 19-year-old in Tirat Carmel - Walla! news

3/13/2022, 7:17:43 PM

The young man, who was convicted of the murder with the indifference of a resident of his hometown, Noam Moshe, will also compensate the family of the murdered man with NIS 100,000. At the beginning of the trial he denied what was attributed to him, but about 5 months ago he repeated it, the crime of premeditated murder was first softened, and he admitted the murder with indifference and disruption of the investigation

"Disregard for the noble value of human life": 10.5 years in prison for a young man who murdered a 19-year-old in Tirat Carmel

The young man, who was convicted of the murder with the indifference of a resident of his hometown, Noam Moshe, will also compensate the family of the murdered man with NIS 100,000.

At the beginning of the trial he denied what was attributed to him, but about 5 months ago he repeated it, the crime of premeditated murder was first softened, and he admitted the murder with indifference and disruption of the investigation

Yoav Itiel


Sunday, 13 March 2022, 20:24 Updated: 20:54

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In the video: The murder scene in the streets (Photo: Yotam Ronen, MDA spokeswoman)

The Haifa District Court today sentenced a young man from Tirat Carmel to 10 years in prison who was convicted of the indifferent murder of his hometown resident Noam Moshe, 19

. In the transaction, his defense attorneys, Adv. Sasson Bar-Oz and Adv. Fahad Haj, hired the plaintiff, Adv. Shonit Kedem Nimtzen, from the Haifa District Attorney's Office.

More on Walla!

Suspected murder in Tirat Carmel: A 19-year-old man was stabbed to death

To the full article

More on Walla!

  • Stabbed, fled, and hid the knife: A 16-year-old boy is accused of murdering a young man in Tirat Carmel

Noam Moshe (Photo: Screenshot, Facebook)

The panel of the tribunal, Judge Avi Levy and Justices Eran Cotton and Eyal Baumgart, also sentenced him to probation as well as compensation of NIS 100,000 for the family of the deceased.

The judges said the settlement was reached amid evidentiary difficulty in the prosecution's way of obtaining a first-degree murder conviction attributed to it in the original indictment.

This difficulty was revealed in a petition filed by defense attorneys in the court for the removal of confidentiality, had it been accepted it could have forced the prosecution to withdraw the charge altogether, which would have inevitably resulted in the young man being acquitted.

The plea arrangement was made with the knowledge and consent of the family members of the deceased whose representative was present at the relevant hearings.

The fatal incident occurred on December 13, 2020. The boy who was equipped with a knife arrived near the blast where as usual Moshe was staying, he quickly approached him and stabbed him two times.

This, with the intention of causing his death.

Noam Moshe took to the streets and collapsed.

The boy, meanwhile, fled the scene, returned to his home where he changed clothes, turned off his cell phones and left town.

The next day he turned himself in to the police.

Noam Moshe was known to the Tirat Carmel police and despite his young age he accumulated convictions and enemies.

He expressed a strong desire to recover, and failed.

Judge Orit Kantor sent him two years ago to four months in prison after convicting him of brutally assaulting two Sudanese citizens in Tirat Carmel.

The boy was also known to the police and committed the murder only about three weeks after his release from a two-month jail term for a threatening offense he committed.

"This is a commission of an offense of the most serious in the law, the result of which is the taking of a young person's life, whose entire future was ahead of him, and their extinction, prematurely, due to an unknown conflict whose background remains shrouded in mist," the judges noted.

Murder scene (Photo: image processing, no)

The judges wanted to emphasize that the boy's actions constitute "an expression of an illegal phenomenon called in the ruling 'knife subculture', in which young people use force and violence to resolve disputes and conflicts, using cold weapons."

Against this background they mentioned that "the lack of intention does not facilitate the end result - the killing of a person" and that caused "tangible and powerful harm to the family of the deceased, that her life was reversed in one fell swoop and that dealing with the lack of the deceased, who was a dominant and beloved figure in the family."

The judges emphasized the "public interest in deterring the individual and deterring many from using violence to resolve conflicts, and the alarming phenomenon of knife even among the younger generation, which illustrates the contempt for the sublime value of human sanctity. The phenomenon and giving expression to the value of human life and the importance of the war on deadly violence. "

However, they chose to mitigate the sentence slightly, due to the boy's early confession despite the unique evidentiary situation in the case, taking responsibility, his willingness to take part in a rehabilitative and therapeutic process within the prison walls and "expressing remorse for his actions and ability to understand the pain and grief his actions caused the deceased's family."

"The sentence is moderate in view of the considerations of soundness and severity as well as the penalty compound on which we agreed and the serious evidentiary difficulty we concealed, a tremendous legal achievement the fruit of wonderful legal work, par excellence."

The defense attorneys, Adv. Fahad Hajj and Adv. Sasson Bar-Oz, say, "At the end of the court hearing, the court ruled and we are satisfied with the result."

Attorney Asi Piso, who represented the family of the deceased on behalf of the Ministry of Justice's Sena program for victims of deadly crimes, told Walla!

"This is a punishment that is very lenient relative to the horrific act that happened and at the same time in light of the legal situation in which the case finds itself we can take comfort in the fact that the killer will remain behind bars for many years to come."

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