The Limited Times

Covid-19: end of the mask and the vaccination pass, new protocol in business and at school... everything that is lucky on Monday

3/13/2022, 10:11:09 AM

Despite the rebound of the epidemic, the government has maintained its decision to lift the compulsory wearing of masks and the vaccination pass in the g

No need to take out your smartphone to show your QR Code or have your face masked to go to the cinema, the theater or even the bar from this Monday.

The number of daily cases may well start rising again (+ 20% in one week), the government persists in what had been announced.

“The improvement in the hospital and our high vaccination coverage lead us to maintain the lifting of the measures scheduled for Monday”, justifies the Prime Minister in Le Parisien this Sunday.

Read alsoEnd of the vaccine pass and the mask: why the government maintains its bet without having achieved its objectives

We take stock of everything that will change in your daily life, if you live in mainland France (the rules are a little different in the overseas territories, the health pass and the curfew at 10 p.m. have for example been prolonged in Martinique, where the epidemic is exploding).

The vaccination pass is over (almost everywhere)

Jean Castex had spoken of “suspension” of the vaccination pass, suggesting that it could become relevant again if the situation required it.

But this tool will disappear this Monday.

There will no longer be any obligation to be fully vaccinated (or recently infected) to go to many cultural and leisure venues: cinema, theatre, football stadium, nightclub, bar, etc.

"I think that lifting the vaccination pass is not a problem, because it has fulfilled its objectives by encouraging people to be vaccinated," said epidemiologist Pascal Crepey.

About 70% of 30-60 year olds and 80% of over 60 year olds have already received a booster dose.

Among the others, many vaccinated were infected recently and therefore have not yet been able to have their arm stung again.

The only exceptions: health establishments and those welcoming people with disabilities, as well as nursing homes, in which the health pass (a negative test is valid) will remain compulsory, except in the event of a medical emergency.

The government wants to prevent infected and unvaccinated people from contaminating others in these sensitive places.

The most fragile encouraged to keep the mask

The compulsory wearing of the mask is already no longer compulsory, since February 28, in places subject to the vaccination pass.

From this Monday, this will also be the case in shops, places of worship, businesses, schools, etc.

In short, everywhere… except in public transport (metro, train, etc.) and health establishments.

This decision “is out of time due to the epidemic rebound”, estimates epidemiologist Antoine Flahault, like other scientists.

Still, the end of the compulsory mask obviously does not mean a ban on wearing it.

Jean Castex also recommends “strongly to people who are fragile because of their age or their pathologies to maintain the wearing of a mask in closed places and in large gatherings”.

“As it stands, there is no question of returning to an obligation.

But you should never say never, especially because there can always be a new variant, ”says Matignon.

End of gauges at work

“We will be able to rediscover the smile of his colleagues”, rejoiced the Minister of Labor, Elisabeth Borne, Tuesday March 8 on LCI.

Apart from the end of the compulsory mask, the social distance between colleagues and the arrangements in the canteen will also end this Monday in the company.

A “Covid benchmark guide” nevertheless lists a series of recommendations still in force.

Vaccination is still strongly recommended and it is advisable to maintain hygiene measures, such as ventilation of the premises and washing of hands.

Telework remains in place in companies where an agreement has been signed between management and staff representatives.

In general, two or three days a week are granted to employees who so wish.

Reduced health protocol at school

Students will therefore no longer be required, from Monday, to wear the mask in class.

Staff will no longer be called upon to limit mixing between groups, while indoor contact sports can resume.

The rules for contact case students do not change, after being changed at the start of the February holidays.

They must carry out a self-test on D + 2, then isolate themselves for seven days if the result is positive.

Otherwise, they can stay in class, despite the risk of infecting other children or adolescents.

Self-tests are indeed less reliable than PCR or antigen tests, and being tested only two days after being notified as a contact case does not guarantee that you will be able to detect the virus.

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