The Limited Times

Sergei Loznitsa: "Vladimir Putin is Macbeth"

3/13/2022, 10:35:22 PM

INTERVIEW – The Ukrainian director of Donbass came to Paris this weekend to present his documentary Mr Landsbergis. Asked by Le Figaro, he believes that "European leaders have a moral obligation to intervene in Ukraine".

Ukrainian filmmaker Sergei Loznitsa was in Lithuania the day Russian tanks entered his country.

After sheltering his loved ones, he continued his work, convinced that this was the way for him to be

"most useful to his country."

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: the Ukrainian Sergei Loznitsa signs a war film, beautiful, tragic and violent

At 57, this regular at the Cannes Film Festival, present with



A sweet woman

(2017) or

In the mist

(2013) is calm.

He was present this weekend in Paris to present his documentary

Mr Landsbergis

, at the Center Pompidou.

And answered questions from

Le Figaro

with great frankness.


- Do you remember exactly the day of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia?


Yes, very well.

Barely awake, I read an email from my friend the Russian documentary filmmaker Viktor Kossakowski who apologized for what was happening in Ukraine.

Then I discovered the front pages of all the international newspapers on the internet.

It was crazy but I expected it alas...

What did you decide to do?

I am convinced...

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