The Limited Times

Children and young people affected by poverty are to receive 20 euros more per month in the future

3/14/2022, 1:42:30 PM

Children and young people affected by poverty are to receive 20 euros more per month in the future Created: 03/14/2022, 2:30 p.m By: Janine Napirca From July, the child supplement should be available - quickly and unbureaucratically. © Roger Richter/Imago From July 1, children and young people are to receive 20 euros more money per month. The law on the immediate child supplement is to be laun

Children and young people affected by poverty are to receive 20 euros more per month in the future

Created: 03/14/2022, 2:30 p.m

By: Janine Napirca

From July, the child supplement should be available - quickly and unbureaucratically.

© Roger Richter/Imago

From July 1, children and young people are to receive 20 euros more money per month.

The law on the immediate child supplement is to be launched next week.

In addition to

tax relief on electricity bills

due to the sharp rise in electricity prices, energy prices and fuel costs, poorer families are to receive additional payments.

According to the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, the immediate

child allowance

should be launched next Wednesday, as reported by

The draft law must first be coordinated within the federal government and then approved by both the Bundestag and the Bundesrat.

Who should get the immediate child supplement and what is the amount?

According to Anne Spiegel, Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, children and young people in particular who are affected by poverty should receive the immediate child supplement of 20 euros per month from July 1, 2022





The federal government had already agreed on the immediate child supplement in the coalition agreement as a transitional regulation until basic child security for all social benefits for children

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The law on the immediate child supplement also includes a corona payment

A one

-off corona payment of 100 euros to recipients of social benefits

is also planned in the law to be passed.

The additional money should be available for financial expenses caused by the corona virus, such as FFP2 masks.

“Anyone who has to make do with little money is particularly affected by the rising prices.

It is clear that the welfare state will continue to support people in difficult times.”

Hubertus Heil, Federal Minister of Labor and Social Affairs



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This is how the change works.

also read

Immediate child allowance from July 1st and Corona one-time payment for social welfare recipients

From July 1st there will be an immediate child supplement.

The relevant law is expected to be passed next week.

Immediate child allowance from July 1st and Corona one-time payment for social welfare recipients

20 euros per month: immediate surcharge for families with children and low incomes should come on July 1st

With the immediate award, the coalition is now stepping on the gas for an already agreed service.

Find out here what the federal government has planned to relieve the burden on citizens.

20 euros per month: immediate surcharge for families with children and low incomes should come on July 1st

These further reliefs are planned:

  • increase in the basic allowance

  • Increase in the flat rate for advertising expenses

  • limited until 2026 Increase in the commuter allowance for long-distance commuters

  • Cancellation of the EEG surcharge for green electricity in July

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According to the report, the federal government expects the changes to the immediate child allowance to

be EUR 670 million per year

, i.e. around half for 2022.

Because the immediate child supplement will only be paid out from July.

The Corona one-off payment costs around

480 million euros



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