The Limited Times

Covid-19: "The end of the obligation to wear a mask does not mean the end of vigilance", underlines Véran

3/14/2022, 3:53:47 PM

Since Monday, the mask is no longer compulsory in shops and schools. It remains compulsory in transport and establishments.

End of the mask, but not the end of the epidemic.

During a trip to Sables-d'Olonne (Vendée), the Minister of Health Olivier Véran called on Monday not to relax vigilance in the face of Covid-19 despite the lifting of most health measures.

"The fact of removing our masks today, of no longer presenting the pass, does not mean that we should stop being vigilant, for ourselves or for others", recalled the minister on the sidelines of the inauguration. from an unscheduled care center.

If wearing a mask is no longer compulsory from this Monday in shops and schools, it remains in place in transport and health establishments.

Companies can always decide to impose it on their employees.

Read alsoEnd of the health protocol this Monday, March 14: in business, we drop the mask... if we want!

“I invite French women and men to wear the mask in all circumstances which may expose them or those around them to the risk of contamination.

The end of the obligation does not mean the end of vigilance,” said Olivier Véran.

Rise in cases and hospitalizations

The lifting of most of the anti-Covid restrictions coincides in France with an increase in the number of positive cases in recent days and a slight increase in the number of hospitalizations on Sunday.

“We see a rebound everywhere, in countries where we continue to wear the mask and where there is still an active pass, as in countries in which the mask has already been removed for several days or weeks and where the pass is no longer active, ”put Olivier Véran into perspective.

“Is being able to remove the mask today a bad decision with regard to the rebound?

The answer is no,” assured the Minister, adding: “This rebound is not a wave.


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