The Limited Times

Alcohol: Ministry, 8.6 million Italians at risk, 800 thousand minors

3/15/2022, 6:31:17 PM

Over 64,500 alcohol addicts taken over by services in 2020. The phenomenon of binge drinking is on the rise (ANSA)

Over 8 million and 600 thousand consumers are at risk of having an addiction to alcohol in Italy and over 64,500 alcohol-dependent people taken care of by the health services in 2020. In particular, "about 800,000 minors and 2,500,000 over-65s are consumers at risk for alcohol-related diseases and problems and the prevalence of men is higher than that of women for all age groups with the exception of minors ".

These are the data from the Report on the interventions carried out in '21 on alcohol and related problems, transmitted by the Ministry of Health to Parliament and presented at the National Alcohol Conference 2022. 

Among the risk behaviors in the consumption of alcoholic beverages

, the phenomenon of binge drinking

, or the consumption of numerous alcoholic beverages between meals and in a short period of time, "represents the most widespread and consolidated habit among young people, reaching maximum values ​​between 18-24 year olds ".

And the trend is growing.

"In 2019 the phenomenon concerned 16% of young people between 18 and 24 years of age. In 2020 it affected 18.4% of young people between 18 and 24 years of age".

These are some of the data from the Report on the interventions carried out in 2021 in the field of alcohol, sent by the Ministry of Health to the Parliament.

"It is true that in recent years there has been a tendential decrease in alcohol consumption but consumption of different types and 'alcoholic challenges' have increased. In addition, there are 3,000 hospitalizations in the emergency room for alcohol intoxication, especially among very young people. This is indicated by the data of the new Report to Parliament referring to 2021 ".

This was stated by the minister for youth policies, Fabiana Dadone, at the National Conference on Alcohol.

"76% of students between 15 and 19 years ago consumed an alcoholic beverage in their lifetime, 71% consumed it in the 12 months preceding the survey and 43% in the last month", she pointed out.