The Limited Times

Can't get sunflower oil in the supermarket? Access these alternatives

3/15/2022, 3:24:27 PM

Can't get sunflower oil in the supermarket? Access these alternatives Created: 03/15/2022, 16:17 By: Maria Dirschauer There are increasing shortages of rapeseed oil and sunflower oil. If you go empty-handed in the supermarket, you can fall back on alternatives to cooking and baking. In many ways, Russia's war in Ukraine also has an impact on our everyday life in Germany, for example when we go

Can't get sunflower oil in the supermarket?

Access these alternatives

Created: 03/15/2022, 16:17

By: Maria Dirschauer

There are increasing shortages of rapeseed oil and sunflower oil.

If you go empty-handed in the supermarket, you can fall back on alternatives to cooking and baking.

In many ways, Russia's war in Ukraine also has an impact on our everyday life in Germany, for example when we go shopping.

Customers stand in front of empty shelves in the supermarket where cooking oils should actually be.

Sunflower oil and rapeseed oil

in particular

are currently in short supply, especially from cheaper suppliers.

Some discounters and supermarkets are therefore already beginning to limit the number of oil bottles per customer that can be bought.

That's why sunflower oil is currently running low in supermarkets

Even before the Ukraine war, the situation around grain and oil was tense worldwide.

Due to crop failures, rising raw material prices and personnel problems due to corona absences, prices had already climbed to record levels.

The war is now exacerbating the situation: deliveries and harvests by the two largest

sunflower oil exporters


Around 96 percent of the sunflower oil consumed in Germany is usually imported from Ukraine or Russia.

This leads to bottlenecks in German supermarkets.

According to ZDF WISO, the Association of the Oilseed Processing Industry in Germany also expects deliveries to be restricted in the coming months.

In the short term, these quantities could not be replaced by cultivation in other regions.

However, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture assures that the

food supply in Germany is not at risk


It is not advisable to buy hamsters - instead, create an emergency supply of food and drinking water according to this checklist!

And don't worry, you can easily replace sunflower oil when cooking and baking.

Supermarket shelves full of oil could become a rare sight in the future.

© Newscast/Imago

This is how you can replace sunflower oil in cooking and baking

Sunflower oil is popular in the kitchen because of its tasteless and highly heatable properties.

But you can also cook and bake well with these alternatives:

  • For cold dishes such as salads, dressings and dips:

    native and cold-pressed vegetable oils such as olive oil, linseed oil, truffle oil, walnut oil

  • For roasting up to 180 °C and frying:

    refined vegetable oils, e.g.

    E.g. rapeseed oil, olive oil without the indication "native" or "virgin"

  • For searing:

    butter, rapeseed oil, sesame oil, peanut oil

  • For baking:

    refined tasteless oils, e.g.

    B. rapeseed oil, coconut fat, butter

Incidentally, you should not take the rising petrol and diesel prices as an opportunity to fill up with cooking oil instead.

This will damage your engine.
