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How do you know your boss is lying to you?

3/15/2022, 2:54:54 PM

How do you know your boss is lying to you? Created: 03/15/2022, 15:49 By: Janine Napirca For some people, white lies are more than okay in certain situations. © Imago Do you have the impression that your boss is lying to you? You can use these signs to unmask the culprit. People lie for a variety of reasons. Out of calculation or malicious intent , but also out of shame , desperation or insec

How do you know your boss is lying to you?

Created: 03/15/2022, 15:49

By: Janine Napirca

For some people, white lies are more than okay in certain situations.

© Imago

Do you have the impression that your boss is lying to you?

You can use these signs to unmask the culprit.

People lie for a variety of reasons.

Out of



malicious intent

, but also out of







Many believe that certain

white lies

are better than telling the truth.

Honesty is extremely important for a trusting basis and working atmosphere.

So if you feel that your manager is lying to you in any way, it is always advisable to have an open discussion.

Because your superiors certainly don't want that to be the reason for your dismissal*.

Here you can find out how you can tell that your boss is lying to you.

Lies: Your boss doesn't lie without blushing

When the nervous system reflexively releases adrenaline, the

face can turn red


This happens during physical exertion, for example during sports.

But also out of shame.

However, if your boss is a shameless liar, you will not be able to unmask the lie so easily with this method - for example in the context of a salary negotiation.


Does your boss blink remarkably often?

Maybe you're being tricked right now

Can these eyes lie?


If you


a lot , that's a sign your boss is lying.

Because people normally blink about every ten to twelve seconds.

However, liars under stress blink up to five times in a row.

Stress can also be a reason why only a few people want to do well-paid jobs.

Pay attention to body language: This is how you can tell that your boss is lying to you

When talking to your manager, pay attention to their

body language


Because when someone is lying, the person usually uses fewer gestures than usual, because we are much less relaxed when we are told a lie than when we tell the truth.

body language of truth

body language of lies

natural movements like crossing legs

motionless arms and legs

Gestures that underline the plot/story being told

nervous touching of face/nose, scratching

Attack is the best form of defence: Are your superiors becoming aggressive?

This can be a sign of a lie

Do your superiors feel attacked, do they like to counterattack?

This can be a sign of a lie.


when someone tells the truth, he or she has no reason to get upset


Only those who feel caught become angry and react aggressively.

Never Ending Story - If your boss doesn't get to the point, he or she may not be entirely honest

The more detailed the descriptions of your boss are, the more likely you can assume that he or she is telling you a story in the truest sense of the word, and a


tale at that .

He who keeps to the truth has no need of pretty embellishments.

On the other hand, those who fib want to make their lie more plausible and credible with the help of many details.

(jn) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

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