The Limited Times

New York City – Museum of Modern Art: Suspect arrested after knife attack

3/15/2022, 4:18:15 PM

A 60-year-old is said to have injured an employee of the Museum of Modern Art with a knife because he was not allowed inside. The police have now caught the suspect.

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MoMA evacuation on Saturday: people were taken away

Photo: Scott Cowdrey / dpa

Police have arrested a suspect after a knife attack at New York's Museum of Modern Art (MoMA).

The 60-year-old man was picked up on Tuesday in the city of Philadelphia, about 130 kilometers south of New York, the New York police said.

He is suspected of stabbing two MoMA employees on Saturday after they refused him entry.

A 24-year-old was injured in the back and neck, a 24-year-old in the shoulder.

Both had been taken to hospital but were in stable condition.

The alleged attacker had recently had his membership in the museum revoked because he had already behaved improperly twice, it is said.

When he was apparently denied entry because of this, the 60-year-old is said to have stabbed the two employees.

The museum in the center of the New York borough of Manhattan then remained temporarily closed, but reopened on Tuesday.

"We are open again today and look forward to welcoming you back," the museum's Twitter profile said.

"We are relieved and grateful that our colleagues are recovering and that the attacker has been caught."
