The Limited Times

Ukrainian soldiers sing in a video lullaby to children in shelters

3/15/2022, 1:36:33 PM

'Sleep beautiful baby, dad is protecting you' INSIDE VIDEO (ANSA) 'Sleep beautiful baby, dad is protecting you': it is the lullaby that the Ukrainian soldiers, accompanied by some stars who went to the front to fight the Russians, recorded in a video for their children in the shelters, under the bombs. The video, reports the UNIAN agency, in addition to the lullaby sung by the Ukrainian fighters is accompanied by a series of images and videos of Ukrainian childr

'Sleep beautiful baby, dad is protecting you': it is the lullaby that the Ukrainian soldiers, accompanied by some stars who went to the front to fight the Russians, recorded in a video for their children in the shelters, under the bombs.

The video, reports the UNIAN agency, in addition to the lullaby sung by the Ukrainian fighters is accompanied by a series of images and videos of Ukrainian children forced to spend the night in air-raid shelters and basements.