The Limited Times

Stéphane Courtois: "Why Putin self-intoxicated"

3/17/2022, 6:43:47 PM

TRIBUNE - The master of the Kremlin is by no means mad, but he blinded himself for reasons that stem from a psychosocial process, maintains the famous historian of communism, honorary director of research at the CNRS and author of the Black Book of the communism (Robert Laffont,...

Stéphane Courtois, professor at the Catholic Institute of Higher Studies (ICES), directs the review “Communisme”, published by Éditions Vendémiaire.

Author of numerous works, he notably published “Lenin, the inventor of totalitarianism” (Perrin, 2017), hailed by critics.

On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, Stéphane Courtois published a remarkable note, "1939, the Soviet-Nazi alliance: at the origins of the European divide" (Fondapol, 51 p., €5).

The war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine has left most observers stunned and paralyzed, repeating over and over: “I had not imagined it”.

After three weeks of a war that was to last three days, the "unimaginable" is a mystery.

Did Vladimir Putin have a stroke of madness?

Jacques Julliard underlined in these pages the inanity of such an interpretation.

And, as a historian, I consider that we are faced with a psychosocial process

(interactions between psychology and social life...

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