The Limited Times

France-England: "This is where you have to be", a full Stade de France to push the Blues towards the Grand Slam

3/19/2022, 7:27:02 PM

The Stade de France was sold out this Saturday evening for the Cruch, the final decisive match for the Blues in this Six Nations Tournament. Am

"I'm from Leeds, see where it is?"

Rho it's simple, it's right in the middle of England!

Harry finished slurping his pint loudly.

Given the blush of his cheeks, we spared him from placing his hometown on a map.

“Frankly, it's nice to be here, laughs the thirties.

The atmosphere around the stadium is really nice, everyone is relaxed, and I still hear a lot of English spoken.

“We head a few meters away, in front of one of the neighboring and crowded bars of the Stade de France.

"We come every two years, when the match against France takes place here," says Liz, an elegant fifty-year-old from London.

And this year, I find you much more confident than usual.


Around us, on the forecourt that surrounds the enclosure of Saint-Denis, all is laughter, hugs between friends gathered for the occasion and tricolor supporters who address each other with a smile before this decisive Crunch for the long-awaited Grand Slam of the Blues.

This is the case of Marie, Romain, Lucie and Luce, a quartet from the south-west living in Paris for work, who sympathizes with support from the Blues with makeup pencils.

In a few minutes, the four friends have their cheekbones in blue-white-red.


— jgbontinck (@JGBONTINCK) March 19, 2022

“We were in the stands for the first match of the Tournament against Italy, we've just come full circle against England, says Lucie, already present during the memorable victory over the All Blacks this fall.

This is the place to be tonight!

The 30-year-old is not the only one to have made this observation.

As for the reception of Ireland in February, the Stade de France is sold out this Saturday evening.

At the end of November, all of its 80,000 places for this shock had already left.

Jerome, 32, managed to get tickets for him and his family.

The Toulouse carpenter was especially careful not to forget his Obelix disguise, bought for his bachelor party, vacuum cleaners for looks and smiles.

“If I had to have two euros each time I was asked for a selfie, I would have gone to see the match in the boxes, he quips.

I am super confident for the Blues.

After all they've done in this Tournament, they can't miss each other anymore.

» Reply around 11 p.m.

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