The Limited Times

Gammelsdorf wants to build a new outdoor pool - the location should also change

3/19/2022, 7:08:32 PM

Gammelsdorf wants to build a new outdoor pool - the location should also change Created: 03/19/2022, 20:00 By: Nico Bauer The municipality of Gammelsdorf is planning to build a new outdoor pool. (symbol photo) © Sven Hoppe The municipality of Gammelsdorf is building a new outdoor pool. Internally, there is agreement and now the planning basis is being created. Gammelsdorf – Gammelsdorf is the

Gammelsdorf wants to build a new outdoor pool - the location should also change

Created: 03/19/2022, 20:00

By: Nico Bauer

The municipality of Gammelsdorf is planning to build a new outdoor pool.

(symbol photo) © Sven Hoppe

The municipality of Gammelsdorf is building a new outdoor pool.

Internally, there is agreement and now the planning basis is being created.


– Gammelsdorf is the smallest community in the Freising district, but it is quite well known.

This is historically due to the Battle of Gammelsdorf and currently due to the fact that the municipality has an advantage over many other and much wealthier municipalities with its own outdoor pool.

This will remain so, because the outdoor pool, which is in dire need of renovation, will be replaced by a new building next to the sports area and the children's home.

With the preparation of the development plan "Sportareal Gammelsdorf" the planning basis is now being created.

The outdoor pool is located in the town center and has some disadvantages there.

The way to the entrance is through a small cul-de-sac and there is no parking for visitors.

During the various phases of the corona pandemic, the facility was closed and those responsible saw the problems very clearly: there was not enough space for the distance rules in the area of ​​changing rooms and sanitary areas and the technology in the bathroom clearly needs to be renovated.

The repair would be in the seven-digit range - which was ultimately the basis of fundamental considerations.

New location offers advantages

"Not having an outdoor pool was not an option for us," says Mayor Raimunda Menzel.

In a non-public session, the consideration process led to building the outdoor pool at a different location, thereby also correcting the structural disadvantages.

With the unanimous decision, the municipal council now shows the unity for this decision with epic consequences for such a small community as Gammelsdorf.

(By the way: everything from the region is now also available in our regular Freising newsletter.)

The "Sportareal Gammelsdorf" development plan surrounds the property of the recently opened children's home on Friedrichstrasse.

It includes the sports center including the hall, two soccer fields, three tennis courts and the outdoor pool opposite the main entrance to the children's home.

There, functional buildings and swimming pools were provisionally drawn in.

The local manager emphasizes that in the course of the concrete planning some things can still be changed.

However, the plan clearly shows that the large car park next to the children's home is also available for the future outdoor pool.

Details are still music of the future

With the development plan procedure and the change in the land use plan, the municipality is now creating the conditions for the outdoor pool.

Everything else is still in the future.

There is currently no plan and no cost estimate.

The mayoress does not yet know the magnitude of the grants that can be hoped for.

At present it is only certain that Gammelsdorf was known in the neighborhood as an open-air pool community - and that it should remain so.

A new outdoor pool should be a summer attraction for the citizens of all four communities of the VG Mauern.

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