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Giulia Gwinn from FC Bayern on prejudices: "Clichés are often retold"

3/19/2022, 1:02:27 PM

Giulia Gwinn from FC Bayern on prejudices: "Clichés are often retold" Created: 03/19/2022Updated: 03/19/2022 13:55 By: Nico-Marius Schmitz A role model for many young women: Giulia Gwinn. © IMAGO/Peter Hartenfelser Munich – The Bayern women meet Paris Saint-Germain in the Allianz Arena on Tuesday (6:45 p.m.). Around 10,000 tickets have already been sold for the quarter-finals in the Champions

Giulia Gwinn from FC Bayern on prejudices: "Clichés are often retold"

Created: 03/19/2022Updated: 03/19/2022 13:55

By: Nico-Marius Schmitz

A role model for many young women: Giulia Gwinn.

© IMAGO/Peter Hartenfelser

Munich – The Bayern women meet Paris Saint-Germain in the Allianz Arena on Tuesday (6:45 p.m.).

Around 10,000 tickets have already been sold for the quarter-finals in the Champions League.

In an interview with our newspaper, Giulia Gwinn (22) talks about what still needs to change in women's football.

Giulia Gwinn, on Tuesday you will play against Paris

in the Allianz Arena

with the Bayern women* .

How excited is the anticipation?

During the week we naturally concentrated on the Bundesliga, the focus is always on the next game.

But of course we're really looking forward to the game in the Allianz Arena.

This will be a real highlight that we deserve.

How important is a game like this to push women's football?

It is a huge honor that we get this platform.

And it cannot be taken for granted that the club has taken this step.

It's a big step for women's football.

Other countries are already further along.

In Spain, the women's Clasico took place in front of around 85,000 fans at Camp Nou.

Countries like Spain or England are absolute pioneers.

The clubs have an enormous presence, the games are marketed very differently there.

But with events like the game in the Allianz Arena, we're sending out a clear signal: we want to go there too.

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Is the big stage on Tuesday also a great opportunity to show the world how exciting and high quality women's football can be?

Unfortunately, we have to refute the many prejudices with good football.

It's still the case that there are a lot of reservations about women's football, especially in Germany.

But I think a lot of people are just repeating the clichés that have existed for decades.

With a highlight game like the one against Paris, we can promote women's football.

Structurally, a lot still has to change.

You often play with the national team during lunchtime.

Kick-off times are a big issue for us.

A game during the week around lunchtime – who does that fit into their daily routine?

Many interested parties are denied the chance to watch our game live or in the stadium.

That's extremely unfortunate.

In addition, you can not only concentrate on competitive sports, but have to work or study on the side to be financially secure.

How tiring is that?

It's always been like this, we just don't know any different.

For us it's absolutely clear: It's not enough if we only concentrate on football.

We need a second mainstay, that is a constant companion.

I think we women are so disciplined that we organize our days correctly and thus combine sport and work or studies.

Nevertheless, we have of course been fighting for financial rapprochement for years.

The word approximation is important.

I don't think it's entirely proportionate to say that women's football should earn as much as men's football.

Two years ago, a study by the Cologne Sport University came to the conclusion that women's football is tactically on par with men's football.

Would you agree with that?

Definitely tactically, we are in no way inferior to men's football.

But of course the men have completely different physical requirements, which also results in a completely different intensity of the game.

But that doesn't mean it's any less fun to watch our games.

There has been a tremendous development in women's football in recent years.

You have a wide reach on social media.

What arguments would you use to convince your followers that a visit to the Allianz Arena on Tuesday is worthwhile?

My parents would pull my hair if there was a risk that one day I would take off

Julia Gwinn (22)

Of course we hope that the Allianz Arena stage will attract people first.

Then of course we have a very well-known duel with Bayern against Paris.

There are two teams that stand for attacking football and will not give anything away.

We want to soak up the atmosphere in the arena and we will do everything we can to ensure that the spectators see an attractive game.

Two noble fans will definitely be present: your mom and your dad.

The most important thing for me is that my parents are there.

The family support means a lot to me.

My parents have always accompanied me on my way and gave a lot for it.

Whether it was back then at the games with the boys, when they always drove us to the games, or now when they support me in the Allianz Arena: my family is always there.

I've said it many times before that it's important to me to remain the down-to-earth girl from Lake Constance.

But my parents would also pull my hair if there was a risk that I would take off one day (laughs).

Do you think your team can win the title in the Champions League?

At FC Bayern, titles and successes are always expected.

We also want to do justice to that.

But first I think of the championship and the DFB Cup.

I see the Champions League as a bonus.

Over the past few years, we have developed as a club that we can keep up with the best in Europe.

I firmly believe in my team and trust us to do everything.

Are you satisfied with your performances so far this season?

I got back into pre-season in the summer after a long injury, before that I was out for over a year.

The question arises: how quickly do you integrate back into the team?

But everything went smoothly, I quickly got back to playing time.

I feel safe and I'm back on my level.

I hope that I can continue to support the team with my crosses and a goal or two.

Interview: Nico-Marius Schmitz

* is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA