The Limited Times

Man drowned in deep water bay night dive, rescued by missing fire frogman and confirmed dead

3/19/2022, 11:15:12 PM

A person who went missing during diving at Deep Water Bay Beach this morning was rescued by firefighters, but died after rescue. Yesterday (19th) at around 11pm, a man in his 40s made an appointment with two friends to go diving at Deep Water Bay Beach.

A person who went missing during diving at Deep Water Bay Beach this morning was rescued by firefighters, but died after rescue.

Yesterday (19th) at about 11 o'clock in the evening, a man in his 40s met two friends to go diving and crab fishing at the Deep Water Bay Beach. The man and another friend changed into a full set of diving suits and carried oxygen. The bottle dives about 100 meters offshore.

At about 1 am today, the friend first returned to the shore, but the friend found the man missing and suspected that he was drowning, and immediately searched around with a flashlight.

At about 3:00 in the morning, they decided to call the police for help after trying to no avail.

Fire and police officers arrived at the scene, and the fire department dispatched frogmen to search. About an hour later, the fire frogmen found the missing man in a rocky crevice about tens of meters away from the Hong Kong Country Club, and immediately rescued him and gave first aid. Only after rescue was confirmed dead.

The police then sent the deceased to the Aberdeen Marine Police Base for further investigation.

During the search, relatives and friends of a man and a woman arrived at the scene to find out. They embraced each other emotionally, comforted each other, and prayed for the victim.

A man drowned during a night dive at Deep Water Bay Beach was rescued by fire frogmen after searching for more than an hour, and was later confirmed dead.

(Photo by Chen Yongwu)

A man drowned during a night dive at Deep Water Bay Beach was rescued by fire frogmen after searching for more than an hour, and was later confirmed dead.

(Photo by Chen Yongwu)

Mr. Wang, a bather, said that every weekend he sees the group of people snorkeling and fishing on the beach.

At about 3 o'clock this morning, they were found on the beach searching with flashlights, and the police and firefighters came to the scene to rescue them.

Mr. Wang, a bather, said that every weekend he sees the group of people snorkeling and fishing on the beach.

(Photo by Chen Yongwu)

One male and one female relatives and friends arrived at the scene to learn about it. They embraced each other emotionally, comforted each other, and prayed for the victim.

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