The Limited Times

The people behind the aliyah: Meet the characters who run the actual operation Israel today

3/19/2022, 9:45:24 PM

Natalie is in charge of a special situation room, Gili reaches out to orphans, Nathaniel takes care of the immediate needs and Ofra helps at Ben Gurion Airport • Please get to know: These are the absorption managers in the field

"Take care to help and wrap"

Natalie Nabitovsky

The director of the Knesset at the Eastern Europe desk of the Yesha Council

The desk has been converted into a caregiver system that assists around the clock for Jewish communities in Ukraine in four main areas: obtaining humanitarian aid;

Assistance and organization of rescue from Ukraine;

Assistance, also bureaucratic, at the borders, through delegations and emissaries that are flattened, and assistance in the absorption of immigrants in the country together with the concentration of the absorption of immigrants in Judea and Samaria.

Natalie, who was an emissary of the Jewish Agency in Eastern Europe and currently lives in Efrat, was recruited to manage the Knesset.

Natalie Nabitovsky, Photo: Alex Kodrik

"We handle hundreds of applications. Our volunteers, who all speak Russian and recently immigrated to Israel, are connected to the communities there and know how to make the right and fastest connections. Thanks to this, we are able to gather the most reliable information at any given moment," she says. "Thanks to the Knesset, we are really able to save and help so many people."

The Yesha Council has established a system for the absorption of immigrants in Judea and Samaria and the Jordan Valley.

"Many of the immigrants come alone, and the communities take care to help them with whatever is needed and to wrap them in the warmth they need most now," she says.

"Give the best feeling"

Gili Maimon

Director of the JNF Field Center and responsible for the absorption of orphans

The children who came to the KKL-JNF Field and Forest Center field receive a variety of activities, warmth and love.

Gili Maimon, the center's director, gives children staying at the place a sense of home.

"Some 140 refugees from Ukraine came to us, including about 100 children between the ages of two and 18, who are growing up in a welfare boarding school of an unknown Chabad house in Ukraine," says Maimon.

Maimon and her staff, together with members of the Chabad House, put the children into a routine with learning Hebrew, creating and healing in art.

Gili Maimon,

"We try to give the children the best feeling there is. We bought them a bicycle and there are games for them here," Maimon describes.

According to her, the JNF adapted the center for them for a long stay.

There are also lots of medical clowns, who make the kids happy.

There are children here whose families are in Ukraine and they are worried and sad.

There are also some children whose connection with the family has been severed.

I see this activity as a mission.

We do everything for them with huge love, and the children return a lot of love. "

"Accept demands - and achieve"

Nathaniel Cannon

Organizes receptions for immigrants at Ben Gurion Airport

Nathaniel Canon of Lod is working to reach the Jews from Ukraine who land in the country.

He waits for them at the airport and assists them in all their needs.

"At first we just wanted to make people happy who ran away from everything and came to Israel," he explains.

"We waited for them at Ben Gurion Airport singing and dancing, with candies and water.

We quickly realized that people need a lot of assistance in absorption, because there are immediate needs already in the first day in the country.

Things like food, mattresses, a place to rest, clothes.

We started looking everywhere with Chabad and other organizations how to help the immigrants even before the country entered the picture.

"This is the stage where we were joined by all kinds of good people who do not want publicity and who have large amounts of cash, along with members of the Rescue Union, Bnei Akiva, Chabad and emissaries of Jewish organizations operating there in the country," he said. .

This is about housing, about washing machines.

"In fact, any need that exists in any field that comes to us in advance, and a donor is found to help us. It has really become a huge organization that I run behind the scenes quietly."

"We are the face of Israel"

Ofra Bokobza

Senior coordinator in the Ben Gurion Airport division of the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption

Bokobza, who has been working in the ministry for almost 30 years, says: "The Ben Gurion Airport wing is fully engaged in one of the most complex and difficult challenges posed to the country."

"I see the people who work with me running around, working hard. Every immigrant who comes here comes with a story, with pain, with a little movables," she shares.

We are the face of Israel.

We grant him the rights and explain to him his first steps in the country.

"I see the workers here, the fatigue is evident in all of us. There are more and more immigrants, and more and more stories. But even though we work around the clock, we all come from love and a desire to give. Doesn't that charge us as workers? Definitely. It's not easy. "My daughters are barely there. These days are days that show the beautiful Israeli, the giving Israeli. I am happy to take part in such an important event. I am proud of the workers with me, of those who come to volunteer, of the soldiers who run our Knesset - this is Israeliness in full isolation."

The article was prepared by Shimon Yaish, Assaf Golan, Yuri Yalon and Efrat Porcher

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