The Limited Times

Central African Republic: opposition withdraws on eve of reconciliation dialogue

3/20/2022, 8:32:51 PM

Almost all of the opposition announced on Sunday March 20 that it will not participate in the national reconciliation dialogue which is to open on Monday...

Almost all of the opposition announced on Sunday March 20 that it will not take part in the national reconciliation dialogue which is due to open on Monday in the Central African Republic, in particular because it does not include the rebel armed groups in this country in civil war since 2013.

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On Tuesday, President Faustin Archange Touadéra announced, to everyone's surprise, that the "

Republican Dialogue

" with the unarmed opposition and civil society, which he had promised for 15 months in the aftermath of a highly contested election, would place Monday, March 21.

Six days after its announcement, on a very vague program and for a period of only one week.


All the opposition forces will not participate in the work of the dialogue which begins tomorrow

", declared during a press conference in Bangui Nicolas Tiangaye, spokesman for the Coalition of the opposition-2020 (COD -2020), a platform that brings together almost all the unarmed opposition parties.

After the announcement of the withdrawal of COD-2020, the spokesperson for the Presidency of the Republic, Albert Yaloke Mokpeme affirmed on Sunday that the opening of the Republican Dialogue was maintained on Monday.