The Limited Times

epidemic. Latest | Phase 3 of the Vaccine Pass to implement the enclosure of Shing Hing Building in Kwai Shing East Village ahead of schedule

3/20/2022, 7:33:08 AM

[Employment Support Scheme 2022/Application for Temporary Unemployment Allowance] 16,597 new cases were added yesterday (19th), the first time since February 26th that the number of cases dropped below 20,000. Director of Infectious Diseases Division, Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health

[Employment Support Scheme 2022/Application for Temporary Unemployment Allowance] 16,597 new cases were added yesterday (19th), the first time since February 26th that the number of cases dropped below 20,000.

Zhang Zhujun, director of the Infectious Diseases Division of the Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health, said that the number of confirmed cases has been declining slowly in recent days, but because some patients do not have symptoms, the number of confirmed cases in the community cannot be reflected.

The government earlier announced the introduction of temporary unemployment benefits, and applications will be accepted from Wednesday (23rd) for a period of three weeks.

Unemployment support in one article | No MPF account for 30 consecutive days to apply (attached link) One article to see job guarantee in 2022 | 8,000 subsidy for workers below 30,000 for 3 months, no supermarket copy

Epidemic situation|Civil Affairs Department distributed 170,000 rapid test kits to residents in 6 districts including Shatin and Wanchai Epidemic situation|Consumption voucher scheme for employees' initial diagnosis; Tin Shui Wai temporary service center suspended service today Kong Fanyi: 3.5 million people who have been infected with the virus have passed the peak, and herd immunity diagnosis has declined The evening market can be opened Chen Zhaoshi: The epidemic has not subsided, worrying that laxity will rebound Penny's Bay will accept more medical supervision for the elderly

▼On March 19, the Kowloon Mosque held vaccinations for the first time▼


[13:45] The government also pointed out that the specified premises covered by the current "Vaccine Pass" will remain unchanged, and relevant system upgrades are being carried out, so that the recovered patients whose positive test results are recorded in the government computer system will be sent online at a later time. Receive a QR code for the recovery record, and add the recovery record to the QR code for the vaccination record. It is expected to be launched in May, and the government will announce the details in due course.

At that time, recovered persons can present a vaccination record that meets the vaccination requirements or a valid recovery record QR code to enter the premises where the QR code needs to be scanned for the active inspection of the "Vaccine Pass".

Vaccine Pass|The deadline for three injections is advanced to May 31, and the recovery record QR code is launched

[13:40] The government announced to adjust the vaccination requirements for the "Vaccine Pass" to further encourage citizens to get vaccinated as soon as possible. The specific adjustments include moving forward the implementation date of the third phase of the "Vaccine Pass" from the end of June to the end of May;) Shortening the "Vaccine Pass" the grace period between the second and third doses of the vaccine; and renewing the vaccination requirements for the “vaccine passport” of recovered persons.

The government pointed out that the third phase of the "Vaccine Pass" will be brought forward from June 30 to May 31. By then, all ordinary people to which the "Vaccine Pass" is applicable must have received the third dose of the vaccine.

The arrangement takes into account that the public has been actively vaccinated since the beginning of the year, and that the Government has sufficient vaccine and vaccination capacity to vaccinate all eligible citizens of Hong Kong with all three doses of the vaccine before the deadline.

During the third phase of the Vaccine Passport, the grace period between the second and third doses of the vaccine for non-recovered persons aged 12 or above will be shortened from nine months to six months.

People who are less than six months after the second dose of the vaccine, their "vaccine pass" is still valid, but they must receive the third dose of the vaccine within six months after the second dose of the vaccine to continue to use the "vaccine pass" ".

▼On March 19th, Jianxi Building in Jianming Village was closed for inspection▼


280,000 elderly people who have not been vaccinated and 10% of the residents are banned from beating by their family. Carrie Lam persuades the family to change their decision

[11:55] Lin Zheng pointed out that in the current wave of epidemics, it seems that we can increase our efforts to require the elderly to get injections, but it is difficult to decide to legally require injections. He appeals to the elderly’s family members to protect the elderly, other residents, and public hospitals. An injection for the elderly.

Carrie Lam predicts that the announcement of mandatory testing will be restarted, requiring at-risk citizens to come to the testing center for sampling

[11:40] Lin Zheng pointed out that as the rapid testing is recognized and the demand for nucleic acid testing has decreased, the Food and Health Bureau will restart the announcement of compulsory inspection as soon as possible. If there is a large-scale outbreak in buildings or restaurants, relevant citizens should go to the community for testing. Central or mobile sampling station sampling.

Epidemic ︱ Carrie Lam: Try to announce the mid-term review, including the roadmap for "phased relaxation of measures"

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[11:35] Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor said that she will conduct a mid-term review and explanation on social distancing measures as soon as tomorrow (21st), but she pointed out that although the epidemic has passed the peak, the positive sewage test and the number of citizens' trips have rebounded, so it should not be taken lightly. It is up to the epidemic to decide whether social distancing measures can be relaxed.

23,000 confirmed cases in the fifth wave of quarantined inspections.

Carrie Lam: It's not a common phenomenon, many people want to be placed under siege

[11:30] Regarding some experts who believe that international flights can be resumed to arrive in Hong Kong, Lin Zhengyue pointed out that he has indicated that he will review it a few days ago, but it cannot be announced immediately today.

[11:20] The Acting Secretary for Home Affairs, Chen Jizhi, said that in addition to the enforcement of the forced prosecution order, the affected people will also be provided with necessities of life, including proprietary Chinese medicines aided by the central government.

In response to the high-risk areas of the territory-wide sewage monitoring program, anti-epidemic kits have been distributed to the citizens of these areas, and 4.2 million rapid test kits have been distributed.

Huang Jinxing: Sewage testing peaked at the end of February, the trend is slightly downward but there is a rebound crisis

[11:16] The Director of the Environment Bureau, Wong Kam-sing, said that the Environmental Protection Department will start the sewage monitoring plan in 2020, which involves two major aspects of work, including fixed-point and temporary monitoring. The fixed-point work will monitor the sewage of more than 5 million people in more than 150 fixed-point locations in Hong Kong. Discharge, once every two days, and make temporary mobile detection points in high-risk areas, about 30 per day.

He pointed out that the number of confirmed diagnoses in the last 4 days has been at a high platform period, with a slight downward trend, but it is still fluctuating and there is a rebound crisis.

[11:11] Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor said that only 17 of the more than 250 encirclements lasted for more than one day. So far, more than 30 government departments have participated in the relevant work, including the staff of the Observatory and the Official Receiver's Office. People with positive symptoms need to be quarantined for an average of 4 days.

▼On March 18th, the enclosure inspection on the third floor of Tai'an, Ping'an and Ngee'an in Hele Village▼


[11:06] Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor said that so far, more than 250 forced quarantine inspections have been carried out, and more than 350,000 citizens have been inspected, and more than 23,000 confirmed cases have been found.

Lin Zhengyue said that during the fifth wave of the epidemic, that is, citizens diagnosed after December 31, 2021, do not need to be tested during the quarantine period, but those who have received injections and rapid tests for early positive still need to undergo compulsory testing.

▼Saigon in the fifth wave of the epidemic on March 15▼


[11:00] Yuan Guoyong also stated that elderly homes and disabled homes are the weakest link in the entire anti-epidemic work. Even though the government has foreseen the problem, it has not solved it all the way, which has led to a large-scale outbreak in the homes. , can only watch 5,000 people die.”

[10:55] Yuan Guoyong, a government expert advisor and chair professor of the Department of Microbiology of the University of Hong Kong, said on the commercial program "Government Good Sunday" that the number of infected people in Hong Kong is expected to be between 1.5 million and 4 million. It is believed that the actual number is between the two. That is, more than 2.7 million people have been recruited.

He believes that citizens continue to adhere to social distancing measures, and in a few weeks, it is expected that the daily new cases will fall back to triple digits.

He also reminded that "it's not good to think about eliminating a virus", bluntly saying that the virus may "mutate all the way, and occasionally come down," and called on the public to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

Yuan Guoyong estimates that about 2.5 million people in Hong Kong have been infected with the epidemic, and calls for vaccination as soon as possible. Do not hope to "eliminate the virus."

▼On March 16, the restaurant specializing in Liangbing Restaurant is like a city ▼


Employment Guarantee 2022|The goal is to help companies rebound and hire more employees Luo Zhiguang: Rapidly reduce unemployment

[09:40] The government has launched a new round of "employment protection" program to subsidize employers' payroll. Each eligible employee will be subsidized by a flat rate of RMB 8,000 per month, mainly for industries and small and medium-sized enterprises affected by the epidemic.

Law Chi-kwong, Secretary for Labour and Welfare, explained in his blog today (20th) that the third wave of the epidemic had not yet appeared when the "2020 Job Support" plan was designed, but when the "2022 Job Support" plan was designed today, the fifth wave should have passed. During the peak period, the strategic considerations were different. In the past, it was to help companies retain their strength and rebound in the future. Today, they are considering helping companies to rebound and hire more employees, hoping to quickly reduce the unemployment rate.

▼Details of Employment Support Program 2022▼

(government documents)

Tsing Yi Fang Cabin Diary|Travel Writer Jim Leung: Don't panic, make good use of alone time

[08:00] Jim Leung, a travel writer, was diagnosed in early March and was most worried about infecting his elderly parents at home. Later, he stayed in a cabin in Tsing Yi, and has been writing articles for a long time.

He shared his feelings with the reporter of "Hong Kong 01", saying that he is not dissatisfied, the whole is clean, and the care is much better than expected, but there are still many areas that can be improved. Save staff workload.

He encouraged Hong Kong people to do a good job of emotional management, not to panic too much, and to use a few days of "me time" to "celebrate alone".

Two dead in 15 minutes, two confirmed elderly women in Tsuen Wan fainted and died

[07:21] Another confirmed elderly person fainted and was sent to hospital for treatment. Today (20th) at 4:20 in the morning, at No. 191-195, Tsuen King Circuit, Tsuen Wan, staff found a 70-year-old woman in a coma. When he woke up, he called the police and was sent to the hospital by ambulance, but unfortunately died.

15 minutes later, a 70-year-old female inmate also fell into a coma in a home at No. 120 Sha Tsui Road.

It is understood that the two deceased were diagnosed with the virus earlier. This time, within two consecutive days, at least 5 confirmed elderly people fainted and died suddenly.

▼On March 19th, Jianxi Building in Jianming Village was closed for inspection▼


01FactCheck|Anti-epidemic staff in Weihai, Shandong Each accounted for 40% of the recovered patients|Can the clinic charge 900 yuan for exemption from injections to take Kexing oral drugs that are different from the government guidelines? Hospital Authority: Age and injections are only one factor of vaccines prescribed according to clinical conditions|Mosques are transformed into vaccination stations Separation of men and women, different beliefs, stress-free injections

▼On March 19th, Tianheng Building in Shuntian Village was closed for inspection▼


42,000 residents have been vaccinated and the vaccination rate of elderly homes is 52%. It is hoped that the second injection will be given to suitable residents before 4.15. Closures | A total of 10 enclosed buildings in 7 villages including Kwun Tong and Hele Village are unsealed, and half of the infection rate has dropped to single digits The number of HA is high: the mainland medical staff can't wait to help, there is no difference in the division of labor, the whole people are sending out rapid test kits, and there are eyes

Quarantine Center Zero Use Department of Health: 3 quarantine hotels including Far East Silka will be used for other purposes Residents of multiple buildings sent a total of 110,000 rapid test kits for the epidemic|From March 21, land border crossings to the Mainland and Macau must undergo additional rapid nucleic acid tests

▼On March 19, citizens will go to Sai Kung and the beaches of Chiu Tsui Island▼


Closed districts | Jianming Village, Baotian Village, Butterfly Village and Shuntian Village each have a building with positive sewage enclosures, 16,597 positive inspections have been confirmed, and the number of confirmed cases has fallen below 20,000 for the first time since February 26. Zhang Zhujun: slow decline and 249 deaths Vaccine | Mosques transformed into vaccination Stand apart from men and women, and hope for different beliefs and stress-free injections of new crown oral medicines. Hospital Authority: Age and injections are only one factor in prescribing according to clinical conditions

▼On March 19, Chief Executive Carrie Lam held a press conference on the epidemic▼


Xu Shuchang’s analysis: 40% of those who died of the new crown and those who were poisoned at the time of death were recovered | Exemption from injections proves whether the clinic’s price of 900 yuan can be used to make Kexing different from the government guidelines

▼On March 16, the mainland medical team to Hong Kong arrived in Hong Kong▼

▼3.17 Job Fair held at Fanling Machi Road Fangcang shelter hospital▼


▼On March 15, Xintian Fangcai Hospital was put into use▼


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