The Limited Times

Jean-Michel Delacomptée: "These truths about the men and women that the war in Ukraine highlights"

3/20/2022, 7:26:55 PM

TRIBUNE - The strength of Ukrainian resistance to the Russian invasion can be explained in particular by a traditional conception of the distinct roles and duties of men and women, a conception shared by everyone in this country, and which reinforces patriotism and a sense of sacrifice of...

Jean-Michel Delacomptée has just published a remarkable essay, “Men and Women.

Notes on the spirit of the times” (Fayard, 224 p., €18.50).

The war in Ukraine strikes with the classicism of the roles of men and women in this country.

Ukrainians are fighting and dying to defend both their national soil and their women and children, the only ones authorized to take refuge abroad.

It is appropriate to wonder about what the war in Ukraine reminds us of and that Europe has lost sight of.

It is that women are not men, nor men women.

There are essential differences between the two sexes which times of peace can obscure, and which are over-emphasized in times of war.

See also

In Ukraine, women mobilized on all fronts

In Ukraine today, tankers in their tanks are male.

It is on them that the bloody hardships of combat fall.

They are responsible for protecting women and children, for whom the humanitarian corridors are reserved.

This does not detract from the value of...

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