The Limited Times

Legislative 2022: environmentalists and rebels are struggling to get along

3/20/2022, 7:21:01 PM

The Greens did not want to follow up on a proposal for an agreement from LFI by mail. On the left, the discussions between the parties for the legislative elections can quickly turn into a powder keg. A decision that displeases and it is conflagration. In recent days, the spark has come from the North. Ecologists have confirmed their desire to send Benjamin Lucas, the national coordinator of Génération-s, allied with the Greens, to the second district of the department in the heart

On the left, the discussions between the parties for the legislative elections can quickly turn into a powder keg.

A decision that displeases and it is conflagration.

In recent days, the spark has come from the North.

Ecologists have confirmed their desire to send Benjamin Lucas, the national coordinator of Génération-s, allied with the Greens, to the second district of the department in the heart of Lille.

What arouse the indignation of La France insoumise which was counting on the other forces of the left to facilitate the re-election of their outgoing, Ugo Bernalicis.

“We do not very well understand their strategy of systematic confrontation, especially on our outgoing, while we call for working together”,

slice Paul Vannier, co-responsible for elections within LFI.

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