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Purim racism: Students dress up as black slaves - Walla! news

3/20/2022, 6:38:49 PM

Students of the Hof Hacarmel Regional Council Joint School dressed up as dark-skinned slaves carrying white masters in the carriage. The video ran on the net, and the Hebrew communities and Ethiopians were furious: "It is illegitimate, we are making fun of the suffering we experienced"

Purim racism: Students dressed up as black slaves

Students of the Hof Hacarmel Regional Council Joint School dressed up as dark-skinned slaves carrying white masters in the carriage.

The video ran on the net, and the Hebrew communities and Ethiopians were furious: "It is illegitimate, we are making fun of the suffering we experienced"

Yoav Itiel


Sunday, 20 March 2022, 19:16 Updated: 20:21

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In the video: Purim performance The place of white masters and black slaves in the Hof Hacarmel joint school (from the Tiktok social network)

Pupils from the Hof Hacarmel Regional Council's joint school in Kibbutz Maagan Michael dressed up as "Purim representatives" for black Hebrews, carrying white masters on their shoulders.

The photos ran during a holiday on the Internet and have since infuriated the Hebrew community greatly.

"They seemed to have built something like a chariot on which were supposedly placed white masters, aristocratically dressed, and front tied with ropes and poles to each other and with their hands up and walking there some who are portrayed as black slaves, all painted black," Walla describes!

The actor and social activist Ashriel Moore, who serves as a spokesman for the Jewish community in Israel, who was exposed to documentation that has meanwhile been removed from the network.

Even in the Ethiopian community, the scenes provoked a great deal of anger.

Avi Yalau, who headed the "Justice" party that ran in the Knesset elections, immediately contacted the Ministry of Education.

"Disgrace, there is no other word," he said, "schoolchildren, apparently, are beaten with black slave whips."

Yailou turned to Education Minister Yifat Shasha Bitton and called for her treatment, "Maybe it's time for the education system to start 'educating' against anti-racism. Such shows, sad as they may be, only teach about something deeper and more rotten."

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"The time has come for the education system to start 'educating' against anti-racism" (Photo: Photos by surfers, section 27A of the Copyright Law)

Ashriel Moore (Photo: Courtesy of the photographers, without)

Avi Yilau (Photo: Courtesy of the photographed, without)

In response, the Ministry of Education told Lilo that the Settlement Education Administration is handling the matter along with the supervisor, and that following the complaints, the deputy principal gathered the students "for an in-depth discussion on costume selection, what they meant, updating people injured, analyzing why and taking advantage of the case." .

However, the Hebrew community does not accept the answer and even resents it.

"Worst of all, there is innocence about the legitimacy of such costumes. We are told that the video is untitled so anyone can interpret as they please. So no, it is illegitimate and in general the explanations we get do not match what we saw on screen," Ashriel Moore said.

"You could see people around laughing and giggling about what's going on. They just seem to be making fun of the anguish we experienced."

Moore adds that "it was very unpleasant for the members of the community to see, to say the least. An entire population of white actors who used to paint their faces black and portray African-American characters in a mocking and despicable way. Second, about the history of slavery in the United States for four hundred years. "I'm not comfortable with what I saw and it upsets me personally."

"This is not an individual case, but part of a whole complex of racism and discrimination" (Photo: Courtesy of those photographed, no)

He adds, "This is not an individual case. It is part of a whole complex of racism and discrimination against us and it has a direct connection to the outrageous persecution policy of the Israeli government, especially the one we have been fighting against for the past year, when they want to expel us. "What they are told, they do what they see 'and this is a living example of that."

The Settlement Education Division of the Ministry of Education stated on behalf of the Hof Hacarmel Joint School that: "The school educates for tolerance and respect for every person.

We see racism as a serious and wrong phenomenon and educate our students to revolt and object to it completely.

We bring our students together with different sectors of Israeli society from a place of human equality and mutual respect.

As for the costume, the students intended to express a social critique of modern slavery and exploitation of world populations.

Once the students understood how it was perceived, they took responsibility and expressed sincere apology and remorse.

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