The Limited Times

The open wounds of child victims of the war in Ukraine: the story of the special envoy of Le Figaro

3/20/2022, 6:57:19 PM

REPORT - Wounded during Russian shelling, they found themselves on the front line in Ukraine's descent into hell.

Special envoy to Zaporizhia and Dnipro

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It's only a tiny window, but it offers a chilling glimpse into the tragedy at work in besieged Mariupol.

220 kilometers from the martyred city, the pediatric hospital of Zaporijia has received in recent days six children exfiltrated via the humanitarian corridor opened across the front line.

Wounded by bullets or shrapnel, they were cared for in rooms with windows obstructed by sandbags.

Around them, nurses work in a silence disturbed, from time to time, by the heart-rending gasps of a teenager.

“These children have experienced horror and are in a catastrophic mental state”,

testifies Dr Youri Borzenko, director of the hospital, who pauses then lets go in his low voice:

"One of them, aged 6, told us without shedding a tear that he saw his mother die before his eyes."

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