The Limited Times

Arrested for killing his sister and hiding the body for 10 years in a flooded shed in Barcelona

3/21/2022, 8:58:02 PM

The Civil Guard detained the man in Olesa de Montserrat after the son of the deceased reported the disappearance

Part of the remains found by the Civil Guard at the home of the man accused of killing his sister, in Olesa de Montserrat. CIVIL GUARD (Europa Press)

The Civil Guard arrested a 61-year-old man accused of killing his sister in Olesa de Montserrat (Barcelona) on March 2.

The agents found the body of the 53-year-old victim in a flooded hole in a shed of the house, located in the Ribes Blaves urbanization of the municipality.

The judge ordered the prisoner of the man, who was the only one with whom the woman had a relationship and with whom she lived.

The Civil Guard had been investigating the disappearance of the woman for months, whose whereabouts were unknown since 2012.

Without specifying who gave the first notice to the investigators, the agents toured the environment of the woman's relatives throughout Spain.

Although she had relatives, all of them had lost contact with the victim "long before her disappearance", according to the Civil Guard in a press release.

Finally, the victim's son, learning of the ongoing investigation, filed a complaint.


A decade with the body of his murdered sister in the shed in Olesa de Montserrat

The woman had only maintained a close relationship with her brother.

The Civil Guard discovered that the last thing that was known about her was that she lived with him in Olesa de Montserrat, and that her relationship had been "uninterrupted" until she disappeared.

The agents investigated the woman's banking movements, non-existent since 2012, they even considered the possibility that she had changed her name and settled abroad.

But none of that happened.

All the clues pointed to the brother: the only one who lived with her and who never reported her disappearance.

Martorell Investigating Court 4 authorized the search of the suspect's home on March 2.

There the agents first passed a georadar, in case she was buried.

But it was the Civil Guard dogs that warned of the presence of human remains under some ruins, in a shed attached to the house.

The intervention of the underwater activities specialists (GEAS) was necessary because through a hole they found a hollow in the subsoil, deep and flooded, where the body was presumably found.

Finally, the agents extracted bone remains, which the specialists, through DNA, confirmed belonged to the victim and brother of the detainee.

The judge decreed the entry into prison, communicated and without bail, for the man for a crime of homicide with the aggravating circumstance of kinship.

The murder of this woman at the hands of her brother is not part of the official statistics of violence against women.

The current law against gender violence, from 2004, only contemplates those women murdered by men with whom they had had or maintained a sentimental relationship.

That also leaves out cases like Laura Luelmo's or Diana Quer's, of sexual violence.

The future sexual freedom law, pending approval, does provide for the protection of these women and their inclusion in official statistics.

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