The Limited Times

Dissolving the Assembly, a perilous option for Macron

3/21/2022, 7:39:33 PM

ANALYSIS – This scenario, which aims to benefit from the momentum of the presidential election in the event of re-election, is being studied by macronists.

Dissolve the National Assembly in the event of re-election on April 24?

There is no question of it at this time, assures Emmanuel Macron.

"I have too much respect for democratic appointments to jostle them or give the feeling of somehow playing with"

, explained Thursday, in front of the press, the president-candidate, aware of the risk of trial in

"electoral grub »


However, he did not entirely rule out this scenario:

"Whatever the dates - and the dates were set not so long ago - I insist that for me, the commitment of the legislative elections, this will be the program that I have just given you here today.”

To discover

  • Compare the programs of the candidates for the 2022 presidential election

  • Yves Thréard presents Le Club Le Figaro Presidentielle, our new political program

  • Follow the latest news on Emmanuel Macron's politics with the Figaro app

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