The Limited Times

Europeans pledge to increase military spending

3/21/2022, 11:15:16 PM

The EU on Monday adopted the "strategic compass" which notably provides for the creation of a rapid deployment force of 5,000 men.

Correspondent in Brussels

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EU foreign and defense ministers on Monday adopted the "strategic compass", the European equivalent of the defense white paper.

I don't want to overuse the word historic, but it is certainly a turning point for the EU as a provider of security

”, welcomed the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security.

He has been working on the subject for two years without it arousing great enthusiasm from the Twenty-Seven.

The context of the last few weeks has changed the situation.

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The 47-page document lists the challenges facing the bloc and the responses to be provided by 2030, risks related to cyberattacks through terrorism or climate change, tensions in Africa or in the neighborhood close.

Of course, the document takes into account the two significant events of the last few months, namely the hasty withdrawal of the Americans from Afghanistan and the war in Ukraine described as "


upheaval of the EU


, with the unjustified and unprovoked aggression of Russia against Ukraine, as well as major geopolitical changes, test our ability to promote our vision and defend our interests

”, is it stipulated in the preamble.

A rapid force of 5,000 men

If the Europeans are more and more united on these issues, it will still have taken two meetings of the ambassadors on Monday to reach an agreement, then formally adopted by the ministers.

There are still some balances to be found

,” confided a diplomat in the morning.

Concretely, they undertake to be “

able to act quickly and vigorously whenever a crisis arises, with partners if possible and alone if necessary


To do this, a rapid deployment capability capable of mobilizing up to 5,000 men will be created by 2025 in order to react to “

different types of crises


It will be based on the "battle groups" created in 2007 and will be made up of "

land, air and maritime components


It will also be equipped with transport capacities allowing it to “

carry out interventions to save and evacuate European nationals

” in the event of a conflict.

Exercises will be conducted regularly.

At the same time, the EU's civilian and military missions will benefit from “

more robust and flexible mandates, favoring rapid decision-making


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Emphasis is also placed on military spending.

Even if no figures are given, it is likely that the EU will align itself with NATO's objective of devoting 2% of GDP to them per year.


We need to invest more if we want to be able to respond to crises

," stressed Josep Borrell.

The EU spends only 1.5% of its GDP per year on defence, or 200 billion euros.

It's 3 to 4 times more than Russia.

It's as much as China.

Are we as effective?

It's a question

,” questioned Josep Borrell, pointing to the fragmentation of European defense but defending himself from wanting to create a European army.

The goal is to "

investing more and better in innovative capabilities and technologies, closing strategic gaps and reducing technological and industrial dependencies


The cursor is thus placed on the equipment that is lacking, for example drones and combat tanks.

Germany, whose military spending was chronically low, has already announced that it will release an envelope of 100 billion euros this year and devote more than 2% of its GDP to its defense in coming years.

"A guide to action"

The EU strategy is part of "strengthened" partnerships with NATO, the United Nations, the OSCE and the African Union.

On several occasions, Article 42-7 of the EU Treaties, relating to mutual assistance to Member States, is mentioned.


The more hostile security environment obliges us (...) to ensure solidarity and mutual aid

", is it stipulated.

Way to imply that the six neutral countries of the EU - Austria, Cyprus, Finland, Ireland, Malta and Sweden - would be helped by the EU in the event of possible attacks.

The strategic compass has an implementation schedule stretching over several years.

Josep Borrell admitted at the end of the press conference that it was not, in itself, a miracle tool.


No document changes reality

," he said.

But actions need a guide.

And that is the strategic compass, a guide to action


The Twenty-Seven will return to the subject at the end of the week, during the summit planned in Brussels, and which Joe Biden will join on Thursday.