The Limited Times

Louvres: a schoolgirl unharmed after passing under a freight train on the SNCF tracks

3/21/2022, 7:21:19 PM

A schoolgirl lay down on the SNCF tracks as a train arrived. She pulls it off without any sequelae.

A 14-year-old schoolgirl lay down on the SNCF tracks at Louvres station as a freight train arrived.

After the passage of this one, she got up unscathed.

This incredible scene took place this Monday morning around 9:45 am.

Originally, the emergency services intervened at Louvres station after being alerted that a person had just been hit by a train.

But when they arrived on the spot, the fire crews did not discover any victims.

They are then informed that a young girl had lain across the tracks in the station moments before a freight train entered the station, passing over her.

She then got up unscathed after the passage of the train.

Another schoolgirl was then with her in the station, as well as a third, who had returned home in the meantime.

An investigation is open

By viewing the video images of the station, the emergency services were able to confirm the incredible sequence of events, and actually discover the schoolgirl getting up without damage, and without having been hit by the whole train.

The three schoolgirls were taken care of by the emergency services on the spot, before transporting them all three to the hospital center of Gonesse, in relative urgency.

The incident caused delays in train traffic.

According to the first elements collected by the gendarmes, the young girl would have already made suicidal remarks, which could confirm that it was a suicide attempt.

An investigation has been opened.