The Limited Times

War against Ukraine: That's the situation

3/22/2022, 4:34:07 AM

War against Ukraine: That's the situation Created: 03/22/2022, 05:18 President Volodymyr Zelenskyj wants the Ukrainian people to legitimize possible agreements with Moscow. © Uncredited/Ukrainian Presidential Press Office/AP/dpa President Zelenskyj calls on his compatriots to persevere and resist. In Russia, a figure that may have been published in error is causing a stir. The developments at a

War against Ukraine: That's the situation

Created: 03/22/2022, 05:18

President Volodymyr Zelenskyj wants the Ukrainian people to legitimize possible agreements with Moscow.

© Uncredited/Ukrainian Presidential Press Office/AP/dpa

President Zelenskyj calls on his compatriots to persevere and resist.

In Russia, a figure that may have been published in error is causing a stir.

The developments at a glance.

Kyiv - In a video message to all Ukrainians, Head of State Volodymyr Zelenskyj called on his compatriots to resist and persevere.

With a view to the current negotiations with the Russian side, he hinted that any agreement with the opponent would have to be submitted to the Ukrainian people for a referendum.

Selenskyj wants to vote on agreements with Moscow

Selenskyj wants to have all agreements reached in negotiations with Russia decided by referendum nationwide.

The head of state announced this on Monday evening on television.

The final form of compromises with Russia on security guarantees and on the occupied areas of Ukraine must be approved in a referendum.

Both warring parties are currently negotiating with each other.

However, there are no concrete agreements yet.

The negotiations with Moscow are initially about a neutral status for Ukraine and international security guarantees for the country.

"To find a way out, you have to take a first step," said Zelenskyy.

"And when we've managed to do that, we can talk." He would then be ready to talk about the occupied territories at a meeting with his adversary, Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin.

This means Crimea and the breakaway, self-proclaimed People's Republics of Luhansk and Donetsk.

Among other things, Moscow is demanding that Crimea be recognized as Russian territory.

He doesn't expect to resolve all issues in talks with Putin.

"But there is a chance to solve part of it, to end the war," said Zelenskyy.

At the same time, he warned Putin against continuing the war: "By destroying us, Putin is destroying himself."

Russian newspaper mentions high number of victims in Ukraine

The Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, which is close to the Kremlin, published high numbers of Russians allegedly killed in Ukraine - and later deleted them again.

An online article Sunday, citing the Defense Ministry, said 9,861 Russian soldiers had died since the war began, according to an archived version of the text.

That would be significantly more than the 498 dead that Moscow has officially confirmed so far.

A few hours later, however, the relevant passage from the article in Komsomolskaya Pravda disappeared again.

Ukrainian Presidential Advisor Mykhailo Podoliak commented on Twitter that "the Russian art of lying" is no longer helping.

"A disaster for Russia's propaganda, but in the real world there are almost twice as many dead Russians." According to the Ukrainian account, almost 15,000 Russian soldiers have been killed since the beginning of the war.

Selenskyj calls for resistance and perseverance

In the face of increasing violence against civilians in Ukraine, President Zelenskyy has called on his compatriots to resist Russian troops and to persevere.

In a video message distributed on Monday evening, he appealed to Ukrainians to do everything they could to protect the state.

"To save our people.


Fight and help!” The head of state, who was holding out in Kyiv, called for the “invaders” to be expelled.

"So that Ukraine lives, and all of us together with her, free and in peace."

more on the subject

Selenskyj wants to vote on agreements with Moscow

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In his address to the "great people of great Ukraine," Zelenskyy called the Russian military "tourists with tanks" and "slaves to their propaganda that changed their consciousness."

Ukrainian counterintelligence stops possible attack on Zelenskyy

According to Ukrainian counterintelligence, a possible assassination attempt on President Zelenskyj has been stopped.

A group of Russian saboteurs, led by a secret service agent, was arrested in the city of Uzhgorod in the border triangle between Ukraine, Slovakia and Hungary, the Unian agency reported on Tuesday night.

In addition to the attack on Zelenskyy in Kyiv, the order of the approximately 25 men also included the execution of a series of acts of sabotage in the government district and in other parts of the Ukraine.

Mayor urges civilians to leave Boryspil

Apparently in anticipation of Russian attacks, the mayor of Boryspil has called on civilians to leave the city.

His call also applies to all civilians who have fled from other parts of Ukraine to the city south-east of Kyiv, said Volodymyr Borisenko on Tuesday night.

The appeal for evacuation was made for purely military-tactical reasons.

"Experience from other places fought over has shown that the work of the armed forces is easier when there is less civilian population in the city," Borissenko said.

UN General Assembly wants to discuss new Ukraine resolution

The United Nations General Assembly is scheduled to meet on Wednesday to consider another resolution related to Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine.

The draft resolution entitled "Humanitarian consequences of the aggression against Ukraine" was expected to receive broad approval in the largest UN body with 193 members.


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